Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Retreat Post – Friday going to retreat

Friday morning found the short term residents at my house and myself trying to get everything packed and ready so that we could get out the door at a reasonable time to get somewhere for lunch and to get to the Center where the retreat was held with enough time to unload the cars before the registration began. I think that we all just took our time and ate breakfast and then cars were loaded in a somewhat orderly fashion. I don’t really know though because I was scrambling to get all of my things packed and to the front door while making sure that the dogs didn’t escape while all of the donations were being hauled outside and loaded into the vehicles.

In the end, we had everything shoved into Jen’s truck, Jennifer’s van and Regina’s car. And only my things were in my car.

sn852878 the van

004 the van

005 back of the van

sn852882 the truck


006 back of the truck


sn852881 Regina's car

Finally, we were ready to head up to Palestine. We patted the ninjas on their heads, loaded ourselves into the vehicles and headed out. Unfortunately, we hit a snag pretty quickly. Before we got to the highway, we ran into bumper to bumper traffic and a 1 lane road due to construction. I was in the lead and quickly turned into a parking lot to turn around. Unfortuately, Jen got stuck and, even though I slowed us all down, she lost us. She ended up following her Garmin north and took a different route. This meant that she stopped at another quilt shop without us.

The rest of us made our way north fairly uneventfully and we stopped at a Bob Evan's restaurant for lunch. Cindy had never eaten there before so it was a treat for her. We got back on the road and got there about 20 minutes after Jen did. After a big commotion of unloading all of the vehicles, we started settling into our space to start sewing!


1. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

Oh my word....that is a lot of packing and it looks like you gals had a ton of fun!!! I'm here in OH too....but I have gone to PA for retreats....guess I better get hooked up locally :)

2. Moneik said...

We were definately fully packed!