After we ate, we loaded back into the vehicles and headed to the Super Joann’s in Mason. There were some items on sale that we would need and it just seemed logical to stop for any last minute projects we thought we would need to work on.
For my donation to the retreat, I had made a Sewer’s Tool Caddy and then I made extra ones for Jen, Moneik and Regina. I had to get all of the notions to fill them up and luckily everything was on sale at Joann’s! Woo hoo!

I also picked up some flannel that was on sale to make some block roll ups at retreat. After getting held up at the cutting counter by some obnoxious men and only 1 employee, we FINALLY got waited on and headed out the door with bags in hand.
Our next stop was Best Friends Quilt Shoppe, my shop! We got there and had to wait for about 15 minutes for Mary because she had some donations for the raffle at the retreat. She met all the other shoppers and chatted with us for a few minutes. Everyone got a chance to look around the shop and have a preview of sorts for the sale on Sunday. And Jennifer and Regina made some purchases since they weren’t going to be back for the sale on Sunday.
We decided at this point that we were pretty pooped and not hungry enough for a restaurant, but we needed snacks for the retreat so we headed up the street to WalMart. Man, was that ever a mistake! What a ruckus we caused!

Unfortunately, the elders of our group told us to put the swords down. They would have been very useful items for the rest of the weekend!
After we left WalMart, we went back to my house for frozen pizzas and some relaxation. Well, some relaxation, but not a lot for me. I had to finish the name tags for the ladies attending retreat who weren’t peeps, quilt the quilt for Linda, leave a note for my aunt and cousin who were going to be watching the ninjas and pack EVERYTHING that I was going to need for retreat. I was starting to panic so I delegated the work that I could and then stayed up way too late again.
And Regina did a show for her quilts so that she could see them all in person. I think that she was very happy with what I did.

Hell Yeah I was happy!!! They are wonderful!
Still wish we had all gotten swords, though - they would have been good for fabric box defense!!!
Oh man, next year we do need swords!!!! And what's this about you 'starting' to panic? You were in panic mode like two weeks before!!
We definately need swords! We could have fought away those who took from the snack table since we didn't really have enough to share!
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