Sunday, May 3, 2009

Retreat Post - Thursday #1

Thursday morning, we awoke with anticipation of a great day. Maybe not with as much sleep as some of us would have liked, but we were ready to meet more new friends! As we took turns getting showers and cleaning up, we also feed ourselves so that we wouldn't have to take the time to stop anywhere for food on the way. We were also waiting for Jennifer so that we could head out to the first shop.

While we were waiting, Jen worked on binding and Maxie thought she needed some help.


Moneik gave me a little bag to carry my purchases, but it was a little small so I used it as a purse for the day instead. It worked great!


Jennifer has a van and offered to drive us all so that we wouldn't have to go in 2 separate cars. It was so great of her to do that! We stopped at a convenience store for drinks and we were on our way to Stitches. I don't get to Stitches a lot because they have limited hours that they are open when I can get there, but I always have a lot of fun there.


We had a very warm reception and I think that everyone found a little goodie or 3 to take with them. The owner spent time asking where we were going for the day and which shops we were going to hit. I always get the feeling that they wish they were going along with us!

I found the backing for Linda's quilt and some yardage for the dog commission quilt that I have to do. I got enough of this fabric to make a pair of pants for myself and to use in the quilt.


Our next stop was Aunt Ruth's Scrapbasket.


1. Cindy said...

I was so busy laughing and talking I didn't even see you buy that adorable fabric. Now I just have to go again so I can get some to make capri's.

2. Moneik said...

So super cute fabric! Glad you liked the thread bag/purse.

3. Jen said...

I LOVE that shop. They are soooo nice there it's unbelievable. I really dig the bags that M made for us, which reminds me I need to take pictures of the things my peeps made me....well...should I ever unpack.