Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Video

I am stealing this from a fellow blogger, but this video is just adorable!!

After watching this, I think that Max and I are going to have to start running some drills! lol


1. Gina said...

Not a chance.

Love and hugs Gina xxx

2. Michelle Bartels said...

Cute! I can't help but think that by Christmas morning, the gifts would not stand a chance....or the tree...but it was cute. Thanks for sharing !

Have a great Friday! I'm getting ready for work...

3. Jamie W said...

Someone sent me that video in a email yesterday. It is too cute but I couldn't imagine my 4 dogs even attempting that, my tree would be toast lol.

4. Libby said...

AWWWWW! Cute! My dogs would just pee on the tree!

5. Quilted Quickies said...

How cute!!! Gidget and I are cracking up! Thanks for sharing.

6. Rhonda said...

What a great video...thanks for sharing it!

7. Jennifer said...

Love it - I expect Max and Maisy to be able to do it next year!

8. Linda said...

Thanks for the video. Maggie and I watched it several times!