Gone With the Wind turned 70 today!!
This story and movie have given me so much enjoyment over the years! I remember reading the book cover to cover once every summer for years in middle school and high school. I loved it! And I have a few coffee table books on the making of the movie.
This reminds me that I will have to pull the movie out and watch it again really soon! It would be a great movie to bind a quilt by!
I saw this movie for the first time with my mother when I was 16. They had re-introduced that year and my mother loved GWTW so she wanted me to experience it with her. It is one of my best memories of childhood. I won't say any more about it because I will start to cry and my nose will get all stuffy and I don't have time to cry today!! :)
My all time favorite movie! I just love watching GWTW and Scarlet back to back!
Can you believe I have never seen or read GWTW...guess I will have to add it to my "someday" list!
Frankly my dear, you DO give a damn!
So now we need a GWTW quilt??!?!?
I read all 1037 pages for a book review in high school -- picking a book over so many pages got you 2% extra credit and 4% (or maybe 6??) if you read an even longer book. I picked the longest book on the list.
My favorite book of all time! I am a good southern girl! My little boys name is Cade. Do you remember that character in the book? He's not in the movie though!
Merry Christmas!
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