Sunday, December 27, 2009

Heather's Christmas Swap

Sometime in November, Heather and I decided that we would do a Christmas swap. We discussed our options and decided that we would take the phrase "Merry Christmas" and do a little something that represents each letter. It was a little difficult finding something for all the R's, but I managed! Here is the loot that I sent to her.


I mailed the box on Monday and she got it on Christmas Eve! We were texting back and forth as she opened the presents and I think that she loved everything! I had a good time picking out items for the letters and deciding what to make for her. I'm so happy that she liked everything!

Her box to me is a little late because she got bronchitis and has been under the weather for a couple of weeks now. Hope you feel better soon, Heather! And I can't wait to see my goodies! ;)


1. Regina said...

So are you going to spell out what goes with which letter? We could guess -I wonder if any of us could get it all?? Even though I know some already I don't think I remember all the letter pairs you came up with.

2. quiltin cntrygrl said...

I absolutely love all of it.. I hope to get your box out really soon but still have some sewing to do.

3. Kristie said...

That is really cool! A wonderful idea!

4. Gina said...

Great goodies

Love and hugs Gina xxx

5. Shellie said...

I love fun stuff. You gals sure are creative.