Saturday, December 26, 2009

Time in the Stash Room

With the end of 2009 fast approaching, I have been spending the last few weeks thinking about my UFOs and stash. I didn't do too well on my stash reports for the year, but with this being the first year of keeping a record and with all of my winnings at the April Retreat, I don't think that I can really be held accountable with all of the fabric coming in! lol At least I have used 200+ yards of fabric this year. :)

I decided that before the end of the year, I needed to do a couple of things. I needed to update my list of UFOs, kits and projects that I have waiting in the wings. I need to decide on some goals for 2010 so that I can keep myself focused!

Wednesday night, I spent the evening going through all of the flimsies, UFOs, and Haven't started Yets (HSYs) that I have the stash room. I catalogued everything and re-organized the storage so that everything is fitting on the shelves better where these items are stored. Here is the break down:
  • Flimsies - 4 - and I am counting the present from Regina because I have to quilt it and finish it off.
  • UFOs - 18 - I am hoping to start 3 or 4 more before 2010.
  • Quilt HSYs - 24
  • Table Runner HSYs - 12
  • Bag HSYs - 11
  • Wall Hanging HSYs - 6
  • Miscellaneous HSYs - 9

I have decided on a plan for tackling the UFOs and the HSYs in the new year. And I think that it will work great for me because it should hold my interest. And with not working at the shop, I should have plenty of free time to work on my own projects again.

I was a little shocked to see that I only had 3 flimsies before receiving the one from Regina. I guess that with the quilt frame, I haven't let too many sit for too long!

With all of this in mind, I have also been thinking about setting some goals for myself for 2010. Right now, I have 10 in mind that I jotted down last night before going to bed. And I have been letting them stew in my head all day today. They might change a little, but as soon as I am happy with them, I will post about them and add them to my side bar as a reminder.

Today, once I was able to get myself moving, I spent two and a half hours in the stash room trying to organize my stash and listening to one of my books. I started refolding some fabric and didn't even get 1 shelf folded. I also need to organize a little more of my scraps and leftovers to really get them in order. Organizing my stash room is definitely one of my goals for 2010. I really want to get my stash working for me!

It has been quite nice working in the stash room and having the dogs really close. I am really enjoying the book that I am listening to right now. And it's been rewarding seeing all the fabric that I have acquired through the last 3 years. But I would really love to see it used in finished items! Soon.... It will be very soon!! :)


1. Jackie's Stitches said...

I've been thinking of 2010 goals as well but have to give it some more thought. In the meantime, I'm working on organization throughout the house. Today it was the garage. Tomorrow closets. UGH!

2. Regina said...

I think this time of year has us all in this frame of mind. I have some UFO's, flimsies and HSY's - too - but have not gotten a formal list made up yet. Can't wait to see what they all turn into !

3. SewCalGal said...

Great time to contemplate 2010 goals. But I think I've missed something. While I know about UFOs, what is: HSY? Flimsies?


4. quiltin cntrygrl said...

I did some re-organizing today too! Tomorrow I have some things that Keith and I have to pick up but I think I may get up early to take care of that.. Then its off to the sewing room to play and well finish the things that I should have before I got bronchitis

5. Gina said...

No reorganising as such over here but I have started writing my to do list out in next years's diary. I've cleared a load of my flimsies/ufo's this year but my list doesn't look any smaller.

Love and hugs Gina xxx

6. Kristie said...

4 Flimsies?!! Try having 58 like I do!!!! :( Anyway, it sounds like you have a good plan in the works! Would love to see a photo of your stash room!!!! :)

7. Brenda said...

I am glad you took the time to get to know your stash again!! ;-) I love how many projects you have in waiting..... now I don't feel so bad!! differnce is, you will have yours done before I get to mine, but hey, that is perfectly okay. I love seeing what you are working on.
Good goals will keep you moving forward. Here is to a great year in 2010!! Make it the best one ever!!
Oh, and I've been wanting to tell you how much I love the first picture on your blog!! Love that beautiful face - your puppy looks so cute on that quilt!!! Makes me smile every time I click on your blog!!!

8. Jennifer said...

Good for you clearing out your stash and taking inventory! I don't think I really want to publish my numbers though :)

9. InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Your list isn't too bad. You have a lot of HSYs but half are smaller items. I'm sure you'll make a lot of progress on this list in 2010!