Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The weekend

This weekend was a pretty laid back weekend. Saturday, I spent the morning and part of the afternoon cleaning up my inbox, my sewing area and my bedroom. When we woke up in the morning, apparently I was not moving quickly enough for Max. As soon as I sat up, he moved to prevent me from laying back down! Goof!!


Once I got the cleaning done, I worked on attaching the binding to the comfort quilt and then worked a little more on some placemats. I ran out of bias tape for the binding so I have to pick up some more of that from Joann's. After attaching that to the last 2 and a bit of hand work, these will be done!


I also worked on another baby cap to practice with the double pointed needles. I took pictures along the way and I plan on writing up the tutorial today.


And Sunday, I made another dishcloth to donate to the raffle for the Guild. The new one is the one on the right. And I had a few more things to donate.


The raffle was last night at our monthly Guild meeting. This was the first time that we did this type of event and I think that we did well. We are hoping that we made at least $500! And I think that we will definitely do this all again.


1. Tina said...

Hi, Jill!
I didn't get to the guild meeting last night....I hope it was fun! Missing only the second meeting since I joined - is not good, but I will be better from now on.
I hae so much to do before the Holidays....and still work too! How that does get in the way! Talk with you soon!

2. Mrs Quilty said...

Max is adorable and looks like he loves your bed as much as my Nico does who has decided in the last couple of weeks, he'd rather sleep with us than in his pen. I think because it's so warm under those covers! Merry Christmas to Max and to you!

3. Ted and Donna said...

I love the "Max in the Hat" picture. If Dr. Seuss were alive he would write a book about him.

Lovely creations still coming down the pike from your craft area. Keep up the good work.

It's cold here in Texas! I need some warmth and sunshine.