Tonight, on my way home from work, I stopped at the yarn shop where I have been taking my classes, Lambikin's Hideaway. I got a postcard that they were having a sale starting today so I just had to stop by and see what sock yarn was on sale. There was a lot on sale! It was a great sale, too!! I got enough to make 10 pairs of socks!

Now, I am done with the shopping until I knit some of this up! Such pretty colors! And it all feels so lovely! I can't wait to get started! I'm gonna have the best looking feet!!
Awesome colors - I have my hand knit socks on today (thanks Sue) and they are so cozy! Hope the sox pox is not too contagious though!
I think Sox Pox is very contagious.....I've got the itch! And there's a toe up with circs starting in a couple weeks that I might just be taking......sigh
Love the yarns! Enjoy!
I think its great!! and the colors that you have choosen are awesome.
I love it...Sox Pox! I'm drooling looking at all the yarn you got. There is even one called Maizy! What is brand is that light green or blue one with the red tag on it? Totally yummy. My Loopy Ewe package was shipped today!!!
I might have caught that once...hmm. You're a hoot... What a great sock by the way.. you're a natural.
So far it hasn't crossed The Pond to over here in the UK.
Love all the yarns. Soon you'll have to do a Yarn Stash report each week. LOL
Love and hugs Gina xxx
You did good girl! Very pretty yarns! I cant wait to see what you make!
you keep this up and I see a job at the yarn shop in your future..
How cute it that...."Sox Pox"...adorable!! Your socks are beautiful!! What pretty yarn!! I've only done a little knitting and only scarfs. I know...I'm not very adventurous when it comes to knitting. Kisses and hugs to Maisy and Max.
The blue yarn in the middle with the red wrapper looks just like some I used to make my sister-in-law a pair of socks. I loved working with it and it knit up so pretty! Great colors you've chosen, I think you like making socks!!!!!
Hmmm, that looks like 17 skeins to add to the yarn stash spreadsheet ; ) Maybe if some of them make there way to me, we'll keep that yarn stash report private!
Great yarn choices, Jill. You've got me thinking about knitting socks now! You did such a great job on the first one. How tough is it? I'd like to find a good free on-line pattern. Any suggestions?
What pretty yarn! You're killing me with all of this talk of knitting socks. I have resisted until now. I even tried crocheting socks and have one almost done. It must not be as addicting as knitting socks because I haven't touched the thing for a year and a half LOL.
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