Monday, January 25, 2010

Sock #1 Done!

Tonight was the last sock class and I was the first one done with a sock! It's a little loose, but I think that after washing it will be great!



I have already cast on for my second sock and knit a couple of rows. I was hoping to take the second sock to work on during lunch tomorrow, but I'm going to wait until I have a couple more rows knitted to be able to transport it.

And while I'm waiting, I can start dreaming about the sale that the yarn shop is having this weekend! *sigh*


1. Michelle said...

Yay!!! Looks GREAT!

2. Kelly Ann said...

finally....your toes will be warm...LOL

3. InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

It looks great! You did a good job. Have fun at the sale, but don't go too crazy!

4. Libby said...

I looks wonderful! Warm and toasty!

5. quiltin cntrygrl said...

It looks great! Can't wait to see what the others look like when you finish them.

6. Beth said...

BOOOOOOTEEEEFUL!!! Love that pink yarn! Great job :)

7. Gina said...


Love and hugs Gina xxx