Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sock frenzy?

Since I am getting so close to having my first sock finished, I'm getting anxious to work on more socks! I spent a bit of time discussing yarn and sales with Amy this week. And I remembered that I had gift cards to Hobby Lobby, Michael's and Joann's! Talk about burning a hole in my pocket!! I stopped by Hobby Lobby on my way home from work yesterday just to see what they had. Of course, I walked out with yarn and a set of double pointed needles. Today, I got an oil change for the car and stopped by the craft stores that were in that vicinity. When I was done there, I still had coupons for Joann's that expired today so I stopped at a different one and used a coupon there, too!!

I also had to shop for m Secret Valentine Swap partner through my Yahoo group. :)

Here's the haul!! Enough for 6 pairs of socks, 2 zippers for a couple of bags, knitting supplies, a monkey clip and some dish cloth yarn.


Here's a closer view of all of the sock yarns. The lime green to the left already has an owner in mind for the socks. And the bottom right yarn is a blue, green and white striped yarn - also has an owner in mind. :)


OK, now I'm off to work on my sock and watch some TV. Oh, and hold the pups for a while, too! :-D


1. Jennifer said...

Nice yarn! You're going to be a knitting fool! I think you just may have to start counting your yarn stash in addition to your fabric stash on Sundays!

2. Joanne said...

I am also addicted to knitting socks! Once you wear your first pair you can't go back! They are a great take any where project. Self patterning yarn is the greatest and you bought some beautiful colours. Enjoy knitting!

3. quiltin cntrygrl said...

How fun! I can't wait to see how they come out.

Anonymous said...

Jill!! The Bamboo & Ewe yarn in the browns is the one I've been working on!! I've called it my so-so yarn just because the pattern came out differently than I thought it would. It really was a nice yarn and I bought it to go with my khaki pants but not really "my" color. Love the blues and that lime green is awesome, can't wait to see how that knits up. You did good girl!!

4. Regina said...


5. InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Oh yummy! You didn't go overboard either. Plus you don't have to report it tomorrow! I think we need an updated picture of the sock.

6. Gina said...

Love all the yarn

Love and hugs Gian xxx

7. Laura said...

Uh, oh...I see a yarn stash building lol. That's how it started with me and the dishcloth yarn. I was fine until I discovered that you could order Peaches & Creme directly from the manufacturer. Now I have a dresser full of dish cloth yarn :-). Enjoy your new yarn!

8. Michelle said...

So was it one of those stores where you were making the customers look at you with your giggling, or was it a book store? Yarns look yummy.
Love ya!

9. Libby said...

Very Nice Haul! I love that green yarn!