In spite of that, I had energy last night and I sewed!! I made this cute bag for knitting socks. I love the one that Sue sent me, but I figured that I needed another to go with all this yarn that I have gotten. I just love this blue and brown dog bone fabric!

And my order from JoAnn's showed up yesterday! Now, I can take the library books back and enjoy these and make notes in them as needed. And this Sock Ease yarn is pretty soft!! All of this was from the gift card from my granma so it's Christmas presents and technically not my own purchases. This means that I'm not breaking my no book buying goal! :)

Both of these books have great pictures and descriptions!! And I look forward to using them to make more socks!
Your new sock bag is cute! ...and one more skein for the
Your knitting bag is adorable! Maybe the crazy behavior is from a full moon? My kids are always nuts so I havent noticed a difference in their behavior!!
Have Fun!
Hey, I asked you questions and acted goofy over yarn links this week, what are you trying to tell me?!?! ;0)
Your yarn bag is really cute, but I don't think it'll all fit in there. LOL
Oooh, you got the Toe Up book too. I believe the cast on method we're using for my class is the Judy's Magic Cast On from that book.
I think the craziness probably came from the full moon. Have you seen it tonight? It's big!
Glad you got some sewing in, and it's always fun getting goodies in the mail, isn't it?
Have a great Sunday.
Love ya!
Love the little bag and those books look interesting.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
Cute bag! Enjoy your new books.
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