Sunday, January 31, 2010

Stash Report Week 5, 2010

Another good week!! I made a couple of bags this week and used some fabric. Just had a small buy to make a small bag and I used half of it up already!

And in spite of Max's neediness, I was able to sew! Woo hoo!

Fabric added this week: 0.5
Fabric added year-to-date: 2.45

Fabric used this week: 3.63
Fabric used year-to-date: 27.81

Net Fabric Used: 25.36

Doing great over here! How are you doing??


1. Tamera said...

You're doing great! Almost 30 yards of stash used up!

2. Michelle said...

I'm doing good. You've been quiet. Are you ok?

3. Vicky said...

That's a good looking stash report! Max is your helper!! Great going!

4. Jennifer said...

You are doing great! Woo hoo!

5. Lori in South Dakota said...

The dog videos made me LAUGH!! Fierce hunting dogs! And dearie--I hope you knit faster than I do, summer be here and gone before I would get all that made into socks. But the colors ARE luscious!