Monday, October 11, 2010

Charity quilts binding

Tonight, I was really wanting to take a nap at 7, but instead I attached the binding to these 3 quilts. Then, I started sewing the binding to the front on the smaller quilts. When they were done, I figured I would just finish the last 1. Now, the area on my hope chest/staging area is cleaned up and I can start working on cutting kits for retreat! Woo hoo!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


1. Gina said...

Well done, although at the moment over here I think the nap would have won

Love and hugs Gina xxx

2. Michelle said...

Good job. I slept in my chair.

3. Ted and Donna said...

Where are these charity quilts going?

4. Libby said...

woohoo!! Sewing bindings makes me sleepy!

5. Kristie said...

It's nice that they are done! I always enjoy sewing bindings.

How exciting that you get to go to a retreat.

6. PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Well done! I'm sure the nap would have been good but I'm sure it feels great to have some quilty chores done too.

7. Brenda said...

You have done yourself proud!! And I bet it feels good to have it done, and now you can start doing it all over again!! the pups wouldn't have let you sleep anyway - so good choice to get these quits bound!

8. Jennifer said...

Yay! cut, Jill, cut!

9. Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Sleep is over rated anyway - LOL! Good for you to get the charity quilts completed!!

10. InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Yahooo, look at that to-do list dwindle away! Great job not giving in to napping.

11. scraphappy said...

Getting caught up on binding is a huge accomplishment. It is so easy to forget about the finishing touches.