Sunday, September 11, 2011

Stash Report Week 37, 2011

This past week, before I got to sewing on Friday, I spent several days cutting out a couple more quilt kits. Fabric busted! Hooray!!

The bug jar quilt is ready to be pieced.


And I got this year's SIS quilt cut out.


The new quilt studio is great for cutting! There is room to walk around the table when I need to and I was tripping over anything. It's awesome!

Fabric added this week: 0.00
Fabric added year-to-date: 118.64

Fabric used this week: 5.10
Fabric used year-to-date:106.78

Net Fabric Used: -11.86

The dogs have a new spot to sit in the studio. I showed Maisy how to get on the rocking chair...


And once Maxie saw her on the chair, he has taken it over.



1. Kristie said...

Looks like you and the pups are loving the new studio!! BTW...I love your storage containers that you used for storing your kits. I saw some like that at Walmart the other day. I am thinking about picking some up, looks like they would take up less space than the plastic shoeboxes.

2. Jennifer said...

Good job busting, and glad to see the pups are taken care of in the new studio!

3. Regina said...

Yay! I know how much more I enjoy cutting with my changes upstairs - glad you are finally able to work in there again!!!!!! Now SEW!

4. krisgray said...

Aaahhh! Your "helpers" are so cute! Love that pic in your banner.

5. InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Wow, all of that cut and only 5 yards? It looks like more! ;0)

Glad the pups have found their "spot" in the new studio.

6. Coloradolady said...

Oh, I know how that goes...your helpers will now compete for the best seat in the room!!!

Your dogs are so sweet!!

7. Melinda said...

You (and the pups) are certainly reaping the rewards of all of your hard work. You must be enjoying working in your brand new studio.

8. Jean(ie) said...

I'm glad you're back at at the machine. Yay! You finally get to use your new studio!!!!!

9. Deb A said...

Great job cutting! I need to take a pic of what I have been cutting out... 24 FQ of 30's prints!
I still LOVE that blue/green quilt on the back of the chair!