Thursday, March 14, 2013

Book Review Thursday - 3/14

I have finished two books and started two this week!

The Confession by John Grisham was the first finish of the week. It was a typical Grisham legal drama. Nine years ago, Travis Boyette took a high school girl from a small town in Texas and Donte Drumm was charged with the murder even though the body was never found and the evidence was circumstantial at best. Travis now feels remorse since Donte is days away from being executed and Travis enlists the help of a preacher in Kansas. The preacher tries to convince Travis to try and save Donte before it's too late.

This was a very typical Grisham novel. Quite a few characters and a lot of different story lines that lead to the big will they or won't they question in the book. I was on the edge of my seat a bit and a little shocked at some of the turns in the story. But the ending ended up being quite what I expected. It was still a good read.

Dedication by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus was also finished this week. Kate Hollis gets a call in the middle of the night informing her that, "He's back!" and she takes off for her Vermont hometown to confront an ex-boyfriend. Through a series of flashbacks, you find out that Kate is in her late 20's and still pining after her high school boyfriend who disappeared around their prom night (I'm guessing because they never went into this detail) and went off to become a huge rock star.

So about halfway through the book, I started asking myself "She's in her 20's and still carrying on over a boyfriend from how many years ago?" It didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. A lot of things were explained in the flashback sequences - all except for the prom night that was alluded to a few times. Unless I fell asleep and missed that part. The authors definitely missed the charm of The Nanny Diaries. And the narrator of the audio version was horrendous! The recording was tinny and I really could only get through the book at 1.6X speed. Thank God for my SpeedUp app on my iPod!! This was also the second time that I tried to listen to the book because I couldn't stand the narrator the first time around. lol It would be a nice, mindless summer read if you have nothing else. :)


Anonymous said...

Interesting books. They sound very different from each other. Thanks for telling me about the Grisham book

1. Just Another Quilter said...

I have also read Dedication and found it awkward.