Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Be stalking ya!

I know that sounds awful, but I have been stalking the UPS site for my seven boxes for the HQ Avante! Since last Saturday, it appeared that one box was missing and the rest were going to be delivered between today and tomorrow and I had arranged for someone to be here on Friday only!

I left a note asking Mr UPS Man to not deliver the boxes today but to deliver them all on Friday and this was his response!


So I will continue stalking my packages! ;)

I have also been stalking the USPS site for these pantos that I ordered. Since I will have more room on the quilt frame, I can use larger pantos and I took advantage of some free shipping offers!



This was in addition to the yarn that I got for the Infinity Cardigan that I shared yesterday.

Right now, I am going to start working on some spool swap blocks with these fabrics. I was going to save the stripe, but since all I do is save everything, I figured that this would be a nice fabric to show up in other people's blocks. And I should have enough fabric left over to make a few for myself!


And Max has been feeling a little under the weather for a few weeks now. He has been vomiting when I get home from work and then I find puddles of it in their bed so I know that he isn't feeling great. He was watching me work this evening.



1. Jean(ie) said...

Oh no! I hope Max gets better. I'm laughing at you stalking the UPS guy. I'm the same way. The UPS truck here will be stalked for my Fat Quarter Shop order (I took advantage of the FQS special on Swirly Girls' poppy fabric).

2. Melissa said...

I just got the Baby Lock Crown Jewel and it's DREAMY! I already love it so much!! I know you aren't new to long arming, but still. :) I know why you're stalking. It's just fun!

3. thea said...

Max looks so very sweet. hope he is feeling better soon.

4. Cathy said...

Hey Jill how is it going? Can't wait to see what you do with the new frame. Hugs

5. Sarah said...

I'd be stalking those packages, too! Those new pantos look like they will be fun. Would definitely love to hear how you like the HQ once you get it up and running.

Poor Max! Hopefully he starts to feel better soon.

6. PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Feel better Max. Ooooo. Can't wait to see your new set up and all the quitling you will do. So exciting!!

7. Denny1600 said...

The new pantos look interesting. I hope Max feels better soon. Poor guy!

8. Regina said...

ooh - need to send you practice quilts for those new pantos - LOVE! (get better soon, Max!)

9. elizabeth said...

Jill seeing your post about stalking the driver is so fuuny. Cant wait to see what you use those pantos on. Poor Max did you take him to the vet to see what is wrong since he has been sick for weeks? Hope all three of your kids stay well.

10. InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Yahoo, it's being delivered today!!! Nice variety of pantos. Can't wait to see some of them on a quilt. Poor Max. Hopefully he feels better soon. If not, have the vet check him out.

11. Jennifer said...

Isn't it nice when the ups guy works with you? Sorry to hear about Max, hope he is feeling better - he is probably jealous if the new yarn, pantos, and machine ;)

12. Sarah said...

I bet I know what you are doing today (Saturday). :)

Hopefully everything arrived alright!