Monday, April 22, 2013

Design Wall Monday - 4/22

Last night, I decided that I had had enough of cleaning and clearing so I watched a couple of movies. I did a little knitting and then about halfway through the second movie, I decided to work on the Moon Pie quilt that is on my design wall.

I got 2 rows pieced and stuck back up on the wall.


And here is an update on sprouts! It looks like the seeds on the left in the back were duds. And they were all from a single pack. sigh...



1. Teri said...

Love this quilt. And one thing is certain- cleaning is depressing. At least quilting stays done when you finish it.

2. straythreads said...

moon pie is a great name for that quilt! love the stripes in the center

3. Paula, the quilter said...

Such a bright, lively quilt. Cute. I haven't started any seeds, but then as I type this I am watching the snow come down sideways.

4. Chris said...

Great bright colors in your quilt.

5. elizabeth said...

Love the quilt and maybe those seeds are just late starters.

6. Regina said...

The seeds are just UGO's (ungerminated objects)....

7. Jennifer said...

Good job working on Moon Pie. Sorry to see the duds!