Sunday, April 14, 2013

Stash Report Weeks 14-15, 2013

Wednesday through Saturday, the International Quilt Festival was in Cincinnati and of course I did some shopping!

Sue, Marj, Carolyn and June drove up from South Carolina for the show and stayed with me. We met up at the Preview Night on Wednesday night and they went back to the show on Thursday while I went to work.

Friday, I took the day off work and we shopped our way around the city. Since it has been so long since I have been fabric shopping for myself, I went a little crazy!

I got several FQ bundles from Sewn and 4 free FQs as well.


And I got some yardage that was reduced in price and another charm pack to match one that I got a few months ago.


At Fabric Shack, I shopped in the tent sale and got a couple of lines that I had my eye on when they were first released. Circa 1934 and Cherry Christmas!

101_1624 101_1623

And I found charm packs of this line, but I didn't see any yardage to get it. I love the squiggly fabric on the top. Needles & Pins by Kanvas for Benartex.


I got a ton of pictures of the quilts and other goodies, but I will have to wait for another post to show those.

Fabric added this week: 25.44
Fabric added YTD: 31.91

Fabric used this week: 0.00
Fabric used YTD: 16.88

Net Fabric Used: -15.03

I'm going to have to dig myself out of this hole! But I am ok with that!


1. Jennifer said...

Great additions! Glad you had a good time with the SC gals :)

2. Jennifer said...
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3. Jean(ie) said...

ooh, I like the front fabric of that needles and pins pack. That is fun!

I'm glad you got to see your friends. I know that show gave you tons of inspiration!

4. Teri said...

I green with envy. I had no idea Fabric Shack had a tent sale. Do tell!

5. thea said...

I love all the fabrics you bought. Great fabrics to build your stash with.

6. InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Cool additions to the stash. Now...what are you gonna make with them?