Saturday, April 13, 2013

On the Needles - 4/12

I finished my first Zora sock this week! At first, I over shot the foot and had to rip back and then I ripped back too far.

But I got it fixed and got the foot finished and then the toe closed. The sock is just a tad too tight and if I make this pattern again, I will have to go up a size in the needles.


But the sock is finished!


And the next one is started.


Madelinetosh in Hickory. See what is on other needles on Judy's post.


1. Mary said...

Your sock looks great. Love the color.

2. Regina said...


3. Teresa in Music City said...

Love your Zora sock! The color is gorgeous - rich and deep! I downloaded the pattern so I can try it soon :*)

4. Jennifer said...

Way to go - looks great!

5. Judy S. said...

Very pretty! I love that color, too. I think cables have the tendency to pull in; perhaps blocking will help? That's a nice pattern, one that's hiding out in my pattern stash somewhere.....

6. Suzanne said...

I really like color and pattern!

7. thea said...

What a great sock! How long does it take you to make one?

8. thea said...

What a great sock! How long does it take you to make one?

9. InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Love it!