Saturday, May 25, 2013

Adventures in Fairport

Yesterday, Regina and I ran some errands that took us into Fairport and right next to the Erie Canal. It was very cool and rainy all day, but the rain stopped long enough for us to walk around a little for pictures.

I forgot my real camera so these were all with my phone camera.

Here is a view of the canal. There was fog rolling along the water and in spite of the lack of sunshine, it was lovely!


We went into the local branch of the library and found this quilt. This isn't the whole quilt, but it was very cool!


And here is the info on the quilt. A Bicentennial Quilt from 1975. Very interesting!


In Cincinnati, they had flying pigs in 2000 (the Big Pig Gig) and there are still some pigs on display around the city. In Glendale, they had the Squirrels in 2004.

While we were walking to our first destination, I spotted this horse and told Regina that we were going to take a closer look.




And Regina was telling me about the golf balls that the area did for the PGA and LPGA tour being in town and I spied this over her shoulder.




It was nice to see a little part of art from the area!


1. Jennifer said...

Hope you two are having fun (and that she's not kicking up your allergies!).

2. InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Cool pictures. Sounds like you guys are having fun! Have a safe trip home.