Sunday, May 26, 2013

Stash Report Week 21, 2013

This weekend, Joann's had all of the Red Tag fabric on clearance for 50% off the clearance price and then we had a coupon for 10% off the total order. Last year, we shopped and got backings and this year, we did the same thing!

I got a lot of yardage that should be great for some of the quilts that I am working on or will be working on.


The fabric on the left is one that Regina put on the back of a quilt she made me. I see it all the time at JoAnn's and there must have been an entire bolt of it in clearance. I only got 6 yards.


There wasn't a ton of this cream and green plaid, but it was $2 a yard and it will work well for a fair amount of quilts.


I also got the backings ready for the two quilts for Regina's 4Patches4Hope so that I could deliver them this week.

101_1818 101_1817

So I may have gone a little crazy on the fabric, but it will all be put to good use eventually!

Fabric added this week: 27.71
Fabric added YTD: 68.70

Fabric used this week: 6.11
Fabric used YTD: 28.32

Net Fabric Used: -40.38


1. Quiltsmiles said...

I'm glad I wasn't the only one acquiring mass quantities of fabric. Lovely finds and great prices. Jane

2. Jennifer said...

Hard to pass up at those prices!

3. Suzanne said...

You Joann's had a better selection than mine. I like the leaf patterned fabric.

4. Teri said...

There are those ovals again :) Great score.

5. Unknown said...

Wow you really found some great choices, I guess I need to start looking at Joann's ad more.