Thursday, May 16, 2013

Book review Thursday - 5/16

Another week and more reviews!

Family Pictures by Jane Green is another book that I picked up after seeing it on the new release section at my library. I've never heard of Green, but I guess that she has written other books and is a fairly well known author.

Sylvie lives on the West Coast with her daughter Eve while her husband is away for business most of the time. Maggie lives on the East Coast with her three kids and her husband is away a lot as well.

I'm just going to go ahead and ruin the story for you.... Mark is the husband to both Maggie and Sylvie. Mark is very controlling about Eve being online and sharing personal information. And when that was revealed along with the fact that there was so much talk from Sylvie about loving being his wife, I figured out what the plot was. (It's the big secret that isn't revealed in the blurb about the book.) After the reveal, the books shows how the families cope with the news.

I thought it was a pretty good book. A little contrived at times and quite a bit was expected, but it was a good read and would make for a good summer read.

The Last Runaway by Tracy Chevalier was another new to me author. Honor Bright is an English Quaker who travels to Ohio with her sister who is going to be married. Her sister dies of yellow fever before they can reach Ohio and Honor is stuck making the rest of the journey by herself. In a new land with new customs and strange ideas, Honor must try to make a life for herself. And along the way, she runs into slaves and slavery and stops on the Underground Railroad.

This was a really good book! There was some information on quilts from the time, but a lot of descriptions about hats and bonnets. Another good summer read.

And a week without any mystery reviews! :)

What are you reading? Share in the comments!


1. Ellyn said...

I love Tracy Chevalier's books, The Girl With the Pearl Earring is probably her best known, but I have loved them all!

2. PunkiePie (Jen) said...

The Last Runaway sounds like something I could enjoy. I'm going to write it down now.

3. Jennifer said...

I am finally reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (but not very quickly!).