Thursday, May 30, 2013

Decision to make

I started unpacking last night from the trip to Regina's house. I still have one basket left to unpack, but I got Moon Pie back up on the design wall.

I need to pick a fabric for the outer cornerstones and binding.


I though that a darker blue would work, but I don't have anything in my stash. I cut these pieces out several years ago and I used the last bits of a lot of fabrics.

So I have two options up. A red.


And a lime green.




1. Big Girls said...

The red frames it really well, without overpowering your quilt.

2. Deb A said...

I'd go with the red. It makes the red in the quilt pop. Very pretty quilt by the way.

3. brownj6610 said...

Why can't you have both? Green on two adjacent sides and red on the other two. Just because.

4. scraphappy said...

Congratulations on getting all the blocks done. I like the way the red frames out the quilt.

5. Ellyn said...

I like both but I have to agree, the red works best I think

6. swooze said...

What Browne said....but if you only pick one I like the green. Normally I am a red girl but the green has a calming effect.

7. Judy D in WA said...

I'm partial to the green. Either way, you can't go wrong. It's a great quilt.

8. Teri said...

I like the red best. Before I read your options, I thought orange - I think you have the least amount of that color in the quilt. Red would be my second choice.

9. Regina said...

I like them both. Why don't you put them both in a basket and pull one out - or see what Lula, Max and Maisy pick?

10. thea said...

I like the green better. you could do two corners in red and two in green.

11. Heather Jones said...

I like the green better!

12. Quiltsmiles said...

Either are great! Depends who is getting the quilt and what is there favorite color(s), warm or cooler tones and let that decide. Jane

13. PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Red. My eye was drawn to it right away.

14. Susan C said...

I like the green the best. Whichever you decide will look great though.

15. Cathy said...

I really love this quilt. I like the green corner stones and binding. It makes all the colors pop. The red just makes the red pop. Either way it will be a great quilt. Hugs

16. Unknown said...

What about green for the stones and red for the binding? Either way it will look great. Love the way it is turning out

17. Jennifer said...

I agree with Regina - they both look good, so let fate make the choice!