Monday, May 6, 2013

Design Wall Monday - 5/6

Tonight, I dropped a few quilts off at the OVQG quilt meeting to be part of our display at the South Lebanon School House Quilt show this weekend. I was in a rush to turn them in so I didn't get a picture of all of the quilts stacked together for my design wall.

When I got home from the Guild meeting, I snuggled with the pups for a few minutes and then went to the basement to try and finish the quilt on the frame.

I used an orange and yellow variegated Connecting Threads Essentials thread on the top and a Bottom Line in the bobbin and I definitely had issues with the upper thread breaking. I think it is a combination of the batting and not having the spool attachment for the machine. I am getting one of the attachments this weekend!


In trying to use some things up, I used a poly batting on the charity quilts. They are nice and puffy!

I just quilted loops on this one.


I picked up another kid quilt and 2 QOVs to be quilted this month. More practice!

See what others have on their design walls here.


1. Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Love the orange!!!

2. thea said...

Such a bright quilt! I am sure it will be loved.

Anonymous said...

The loops leave it nice and puffy. Soon I have to stop piecing and start practicing quilting too.

3. Jennifer said...

Looks great! I bet you're amazed how quickly it quilts up with the extra throat space!

4. Beth said...

Love the brights!You handing out sunglasses with that orange?? lol (I did that once with a baby quilt! too funny!) I seem to have more trouble with different backings than anything else. Just the 'getting to know you blues' Your quilting looks great!

5. InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

That is a bright quilt!

6. wtpooh11 said...

I love the bright colors. It is really a great quilt.

7. Jean(ie) said...

I bet you're having fun getting to know your new machine.

8. Regina said...

LOVE the orange!