Wednesday, May 1, 2013

One Step Closer

Sunday, I was under the weather and I wasn't able to get the frame fully set up. I have been nervous about a couple of things regarding the set up so I just took my time with all of it.

Monday night, I got the poles on the frame and the handle bars on the machine and turned it on. Someone has already taken over 17K stitches on the machine! How dare they! giggle I know that they test the machines out before shipping them.

Photo: Last night was a momentous occasion! The Avante was turned on for the first time! And then immediately turned off as it scared newer a bit too much... Lol  Hopefully, I can get some fabric loaded and test the stitches tonight. Stay tuned!!

Last night, I got the leaders on the poles. I was nervous about getting them on crooked because it will affect the way every quilt back and top are loaded. I think that I did OK.

This morning, I loaded a couple of large scraps of fabric and batting and I am almost ready to give it a trial run!



I did load the top upside down, but I am not that worried about it. It will work for this purpose. And it even means that I am busting stash!


So far, the only complaint that I have is that there is not enough information in the machine's manual. So much important information is on the DVD that comes with it, but who wants to sit and watch the DVD repeatedly when it could have so easily been in the book with diagrams and pictures? So tonight, I will watch the DVD again and make notes on how to load a new needle, where and how often to oil and how to thread the machine. Seriously - that stuff is not in the manual! And if that is my only complaint, I will be thrilled!


1. Sarah said...

I'm excited for you! I was worried about getting the leaders on correctly on my frame, too! Wouldn't it be nice if they pre-loaded that stuff for you so you could guarantee that it would be straight?

2. Tricia said...

Congrats! Can't wait to see what you're able to do with your new machine. Are you planning to quilt for others on your new machine?

3. Quilting_Chris said...

There is a great youtube video on HQ's site about oiling. You will be thrilled there is only one in the bobbin hook, quite a change from the MegaQuilter. Congratulations on your new baby, I am a little jealous as I have the 16.....

4. Jean(ie) said...

Yay! You got to play... and bust some stash!!!

5. wtpooh11 said...

That looks awesome. I hope you have so much fun with it.