Saturday, May 18, 2013

Quilt #7 quilted

Last night, after I finished the baby quilt, I went to dinner with Tim and then loaded the seventh quilt on the frame. When the dogs woke me way too early for a Saturday, I made them sit in the basement with me while I quilted.


This is a heart wall hanging for Jen and I used the Hubby Love panto on it. I used a softer white So Fine in the top and the light gray Bottom Line in the bobbin.


Max is feeling better this week since his teeth cleaning and they pups are all enjoying the nicer weather.



1. Karen said...

An awesome heart quilt. I love the dogs.

2. Jennifer said...

It looks great and that is an awesome pic of the pups.

3. InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Cute...the quilt and doggie pic. Glad Max is feeling better.