Sunday, May 19, 2013

Stash Report Week 20, 2013

This week has been spent on quilting other people's quilts, but I was able to work on the last to Kids Komforts quilts for one of my Guilds yesterday.

I put the binding on this orange quilt, but the fabric was supplied by the guild.


I made the binding and attached it to this quilt.


I will let another guild member stitch the binding down. :)

I also spent a bit of time yesterday burying threads for these quilts and the two I got done so far this weekend. So far, a productive weekend!

Today, I am going to make 2 backings and quilt the quilts for Regina and 4Patches4Hope!

Fabric added this week: 0.00
Fabric added YTD: 40.99

Fabric used this week: 0.35
Fabric used YTD: 22.21

Net Fabric Used: -18.78


1. Jennifer said...

Every little bit helps that bottom line :)

2. Dar said...

Cute Komfort quilts. I hear you about quilting others -- too bad we can't count that somewhere in our numbers, huh? Nothing coming in is still good in my book.