Sunday, May 19, 2013

Quilts #8 and #9 quilted

Regina has been working on her 4Patches4Hope quilts and I told her to send me what she had so that I could quilt it for her with the new Avante. Today, I got to those quilts!

#8 is the pink 4 patch quilt. I used a white-ish So Fine in the top and the light gray Bottom Line in the bobbin. I am going to have to get some more of that light gray Bottom Line!


I just did a stipple on both quilts.


And I used this from my stash for the backing. It's a St Jude's fabric so very appropriate for cancer quilts.


And #9 is the blue quilt. I used the same thread combination for this quilt.



And Batman on the back. Again, from my stash.



1. Regina said...

yay! They look awesome! Thank you SOOO much!!!

2. Jennifer said...

Great job - doesn't the stippling go fast?

3. InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Woohoo, way to bust that stash.