Sunday, May 5, 2013

Stash Report Week 18, 2013

Just a few minutes ago, I ran out of fabric on the practice quilt that I loaded on the HQ Avante. I had to get to that part so that I could measure the fabric for a bust.

Yesterday, Becky from Stitches Quilt Shop came out and made sure everything was set up and running correctly with the machine. We talked about some tips and tricks and things are running beautifully now!

Since then, I have been testing out some new and old designs and I really love the freedom that I have with all the extra quilting space!




I need to start doodling some new freehand designs and get more comfortable with them, but I am really enjoying the play time with the new machine.

Now, I am going to press 2 charity quilts that I have had in the house for a long time and get them loaded and quilted today.

Fabric added this week: 0.00
Fabric added YTD: 31.91

Fabric used this week: 3.56
Fabric used YTD: 21.86

Net Fabric Used: -10.05


1. Marj said...

Wow! The new machine looks great! I just got home from helping my Mom move into her Condo. Two trips to Ohio back to back is alot of driving...Now I have to get back to quilting.
Can hardly wait to see what you do with your new set up.

2. Sarah said...

Glad to hear the machine is up and running smoothly. I would love to have that extra throat space. Since I'm using a Mega Quilter, you know firs hand how limited the space is
! :)

Congrats again with the new machine and I'm sure you'll be cranking things out in no time.

3. Regina said...

Looks great!!!!

4. Jean(ie) said...

Glad to hear it's all going well! Yay! I'm so excited for you. Here's to more years of quilting fun!

5. Susan C said...

Looking good!

6. InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Glad to hear that everything is running smoothly now. Are you still using the Connecting Threads thread? Are you still having problems with it breaking?

7. Jennifer said...

So glad she came out and got it leveled and ready for use - looks like you are having a great time!