Saturday, May 4, 2013

Monthly Accomplishments - April 2013

I have a feeling that this month is pretty bad. I know I did a lot of cleaning and I hosted the Southern Invasion, but I know that I didn't get a lot of sewing or quilting done.
  1. Got my business taxes done. What a relief!
  2. Over knit on the foot of my first Zora sock, ripped out and re-knit and then finished the sock.
  3. Quilted pink and green baby quilt
  4. Saw my Spinnerei quilt at the IQF Cincinnati show! I still need to post pictures of the CMQG Dresden Plate exhibit and the other quilts...
  5. Started the second Zora sock
  6. Bought an HQ Avante, stalked the UPS guy and began setting up the frame!
  7. finished the binding on the green and pink baby quilt
  8. Planted some seeds to try and supplement my garden
  9. Cleaned the basement with my neighbor in preparation for the HQ Avante
  10. Bought the yarn for the Infinity Cardigan!
  11. Made about 20 spool blocks for a swap
  12. Worked on Moon Pie that is on my Design Wall
 And books....

  1. Destiny of the Republic by Candace Millard
  2. Red Velvet Cupcake Murder by Joanne Fluke
  3. Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker by Jennifer Chiaverini
  4. The Limpopo Academy of Private Detection by Alexander McCall Smith
  5. Revenge of the Spellmans by Lisa Lutz
  6. Breath of Snow and Ashes by Diana Gabaldon
I guess that it was a pretty good month after all!


1. brownj6610 said...

I just saw that a new ladies detective book is on the preorder list at amazon. I love those books. I have all of them.

2. Regina said...

great month!

3. Jennifer said...

I agree - good month, especially with your new toy!