I quilted this was Daisy Duo pantograph and white Glide in the top and silver Bottom Line in the bobbin. I added a bit of batting to the first thread guide, but that didn't help with my thread issues and I have quite a few spots where I had to rip out the stitching due to nesting on the bottom. But the extra thread in the top part of the stitch didn't happen which is a good thing.
Here is a picture of the quilting. No flash so that the quilting shows up better.

I'm not sure that I will be able to get a picture of the full quilt. I will see how it goes when I bury the threads. :)
Is that from the ps I quilt quiltalong a few years ago? Mine is still sitting unquilted, too. This really makes me want to get it done.
WOOT!!! I don't know if Deanna is going to see my comment but yes, it's from the p.s.i quilt pinwheel quilt along. I just added more blocks. It is super long. LOL!! Oh I love it and I can't wait to get it home!!! WOOT! WOOT!
I love pinwheels and this looks great!
Great quilting job!
Ooh, me likey! that is cute -- both the piecing and the quilting. Yay!
Quilt looks great and I love the panto you chose. At least with the Avante you'll have fewer threads to bury now since you can do more in a single pass on the frame.
Is your check spring OK? I know you have a new machine...but just maybe. Or maybe wrap your thread twice around the tensioner.
Well Done. The quilting is beautiful.
Hey, way to go. :D I love pinwheels. Which is good, since I'm getting fabric prepped for doing a bunch of them up!
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