Saturday, July 13, 2013

Bags and anticipation

Last month, my fellow Cincinnati Modern Quilt Guild members and I had the chance to order tote bags from thirty-one to raise money for the Guild and I ordered a couple.


I got a gray one and a purple one.

I had my name embroidered on the gray one in purple thread.


I love the lettering and this is going to be a great way to advertise! And an awesome way to tote around quilts that need to be returned!

The anticipation comes from this post being my 1995th post and my 6th year blogiversary is at the end of the month. I am sure that the 2000th post will be posted before the blogiversary, but I am already thinking about possible giveaways. Does that give you a little anticipation, too? I hope so! Stay tuned!


1. Regina said...

Awesome bag! What a great idea!

2. Jennifer said...

Cute bags!

3. thea said...

Such cute bags! 2000th post. That's pretty amazing!

4. Teri said...

I love those bags for hauling quilts and quilt parts around. They are just the perfect size.

5. Jean(ie) said...

Cute bags!!!!! Wow... Happy early blogoversary!

6. Susan C said...

Great bag! Love the lettering.

7. InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Very cute! What a great idea!