Monday, July 22, 2013

Design Wall Monday - 7/22

Be sure to check out the 2,000th post giveaway! Free quilting!!

Quite a bit done this weekend to show!

I quilted the Texas quilt.


I quilted a Nautical Swoon quilt.


I'll post more pictures of both quilts later this week.

I also worked on the Road to Llano quilt.


And I laid out another block for the Easy Street quilt. This is the B block. I need to cut more purple sqaures for the A block.



1. Rhonda said...

You did get a lot done. Love the colors in your Easy Street!!

2. Gari in AL said...

You have been a busy bee. And I love your color choices for Easy Street. It is one of my favorite quilts to have made but WAY lots of little pieces.

3. Quilter Kathy said...

Seeing your easy street block reminded me of how much I love that project...must get it out and finish it!

4. Kate said...

Love the colors you are using in your Easy Street blocks.

5. PunkiePie (Jen) said...

that nautical Swoon is great. Love the color scheme in it.

6. Jennifer said...

Great progress! Hope you have a productive week too!

7. InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Wow, two tops quilted! You rock. Love how block B looks for Easy Street.