Thursday, July 18, 2013

My 2,000th Post Giveaway!!

When I started blogging on the quilt specific blogging site in July 2007, I had no idea that I would keep blogging for so many years and I know that I didn't even consider writing 2,000 posts! It's amazing to me that I have done it!

I have made some amazing friends from the blog and even meet some of them in person - Regina, Jennifer, Amy, Ruth and Judy L. are the ones that immediately come to mind!

Having the blog was also an ice breaker with Jean who announced that she had read my blog when I met her at a Guild meeting. When I went to the first Shipshewana retreat, I met Donna and Vera and they knew me from my blog and it was like we already knew each other.

Having the blog helped secure my turn as a quilter for the Scrap Squad and you can read all about my quilts here.

Documenting my quilts and quilting on the blog has been a fantastic way for me to keep track of how long I have been working on a project and how many UFOs I have. It has also helped me keep track of goals and lists of things to do occasionally.

I think it is going to be a great way for me to keep track of my vintage machine collection. :)  And knitting projects.

Enough of this sappy stuff! It's time to get to what everyone has been patiently waiting for.... THE GIVEAWAY!!!

I am giving away QUILTING! Yes, I am going to choose a winner from the comments and quilt a quilt for her (or him). There will be restrictions, of course.
  1. Maximum quilt size of 65" square. 
  2. Winner pays for all other expenses - shipping, batting, and anything else that might come up.
  3. Quilting will not be a custom quilt design, but I have a wide range of pantographs and free hand designs available.
  4. This quilting is only available to US residents only because I don't want to deal with international shipping of a quilt. Sorry. :(
For those that want to celebrate with me but don't want or need anything quilted, be patient because I already have a couple of things picked out for my blogiversary on July 28.

Also, depending on how popular this giveaway is, I might be inclined to sweeten the pot, so to speak, so feel free to share the giveaway on your blog or facebook or twitter pages. :)

And now for what you need to do to be entered... Leave me a comment and tell me how long it has been since you finished a quilt or a quilted project. :)

I will draw the winner on July 31 so you have almost 2 weeks to enter.

And the most important part... If you are a NO REPLY COMMENTER, you must leave your email address in the comment. If you don't and I have no way to get in touch with you, I will delete your comment from the post. If you have ever left a comment on my blog and have never gotten an email response, you are probably No Reply. I will be responding to each and every comment that is left so if you don't hear from me within a couple of days, you are probably marked as No Reply.
If you are unsure if you are no reply, just put your email in the comment.

I will modify this post as questions come up or if there is anything that I need to clarify.

Thanks for sharing in this journey with me and for celebrating my 2,000th post with me!


1. Susan C said...

Congratulations on reaching this milestone! I started reading your blog because of Regina & I felt like I already knew you before we actually met in person. I love being able to keep up with what you're doing & seeing pictures of your sweet pups! I just finished two gift quilts, the last one gets mailed tomorrow! Now maybe I can finally finish assembling Easy Street!

2. Jennifer said...

Only one comment so far? Yikes - if I win, you'll get one of Lois' unfinished UFOs! I finished a project on Sunday night - my Rolling Stones mini - and Jack asked me if he could have it for his room - makes my heart swell a little <3. Congrats on your 2000th post! You have far more energy than I do and you keep me inspired when I am feeling lazy. Look forward to the next 2000!

3. PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Congratulations! Awesome milestone! I'll take you up on some quilting! I'm sure I can find something around here that would match your criteria. :) I will be patient and wait until July 31st.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What a great giveaway. Finished a quilt top over the July 4 holiday and have a few more in mind. Having one of those quilted would be a great help!

4. Kathy said...

Congratulations on your milestone!!!!! I have been reading your blog for years. I love hearing about and seeing pictures of your doxies. I had 2 doxies one of them became a wheelie after disk surgery. They are amazing dogs!!!!!! I am just finishing up a quilt top which will become a quilt for my Mom for her 82 birthday in October!!


5. Brenda said...

Congratulations on this huge milestone. I have just finished 2 twin size quilts for my boys. Before that it was a long time before I had finished a big project other than the monthly Schnibbles.

6. swooze said...

I've been a topper lately completing my latest top on July 6th. But done done I bound two quilts for mom last year. I think that is the last binding I did. more to come!!

Congrats on post 2000.

7. Vicky said...

Congrats on 2K! I was going to make a joke like "man, you sure talk a lot!" but didn't want anyone to interpret my sense of humor as derogatory!! :) I'm hand stitching a binding now, but that quilt was finished a lot of months ago. Does that count! Keep blogging and posting pictures of the puplets! Love seeing those cuties!

8. BobbiG said...

Congrats! About three weeks ago finished lots of dots quilt for my first grandchild

9. Tricia said...

2000 posts! Holy cow!

The last quilt I finished....It's been awhile. Probably my daugher's Smitten quilt (on my blog). I've made plenty of tops recently though ;)

10. Regina said...

:-) And I've known you 'almost' since the beginning! Wow - has it really been that long? Munchkin was just 2!!! I haven't had any finishes since you were here - still working on those bindings, though I have lots of 'starts'!!! (yeah - that's me!!!)

11. Sharon said...

I have been following your blog for awhile. I found it when I was in the "Prolific online Quilters" group. No longer in that but have continued to follow you. The last quilt I finished was a "Scrappy Trip Around the World", a Bonnie Hunter pattern. I used my scraps from Easy Street and gave the quilt to a dear friend who is battling breast cancer. Would love to win!

12. Regina said...

Congratulations on reaching your 2,000th post!! The last project I finished was a quilt for my sister's foster boys that were returning home after being with her for 2 years. I tried to put as much love into that quilt as I could possibly squeeze!

13. Deanna said...

WOW! What a generous giveaway! I watch your quilts grow and wish one were mine! I have been here a while and look forward to reading more.

14. Jean(ie) said...

Congrats on your milestone! It's cool all the people you meet in the blogging world.

I can't wait to read the next 2000 posts!

15. Carla said...

Wow! What a fantastic giveaway! And 2000 posts! I'm only at about 40! Congrats!

16. Amy said...

Hey lady!!! It's amazing how time passes. At the moment, it may seem like it trudges by.... and then one day. BAM! You're at post 2000! LOL

No need to enter me into the prize drawing; just sharing my WHOOOO-HOOOO with you for your milestone.
Happy weekend.

17. Vickie said...

I love to read a lot of quilt blogs to see what everyone else is working on! They all inspire me, so congrads on the milestone of 2000 posts! Vickie victimlewis (at)

18. Unknown said...

Congrats on your 2,000 th blog. I started reading your blog after we were in some classes and worked together. I have a few tops that are ufo's and the last quilt I finished was the one you quilted last year for me. The mother of the baby really loved it.

19. Darlington Delights said...

Congrats on reaching this amazing milestone! That is a fantastic achievement and I could really use some quilting. I secretly hate quilting, but I love to make squares! Thanks for sharing such a phenomenal gift!

20. barbara woods said...

congrats thanks for the chance

21. Rhonda said...

Congratulations Jill!! Wow it is amazing how much we all post and the wonderful friends we make and meet.
As for the give away, I have actually finished 2 machine quilted projects in the past month and a half. They were small and I meandered a lot but it was fun. I'd love a chance to have you quilt a top for me. I have plenty tops just waiting to be quilted. Please count me in!!

22. Karen said...

Congratulations Jill. Blogging has opened up a whole new world for me too. Just think we never would have met in Shipshewana if I hadn't read Judy's blog three years ago. Looking forward to October.

23. JoEllen said...

congratulations! Wow! I can't imagine 2000 posts! The last quilt i finished ( to flimsy stage) was one week ago-McCalls Sewing material for myself!

24. wtpooh11 said...

Wow, how amazing! 2000 blog posts. Congratulations. I adore reading your blog. It is always a favorite of mine. My last quit was a baby quilt for my granddaughter. May you be blessed with 2000 more blog posts in the future.

25. Joan H. said...

Congratulations on your amazing accomplishment ! I finished a quilt recently for our first great granddaughter who was born 2 weeks ago. I always have things just begging to be quilted so would really love to win the generous giveaway

26. Mariel said...

How did I just now see this giveaway! Would love the chance to win quilting! Awesome prize Jill. Congratulations on your 2000th post.

27. Nancy said...

Great giveaway, Jill, and congratulations on 2000 posts! I finished a quilted pillow cover this weekend...but it's been awhile since I finished an actual quilt. I think it was June when I finished my son's quilt.

28. Kitties and Quilts said...

I finished a quilted tote bag 2 weeks ago and made a quilt top since then. The top was quilted and will receive its binding tonight! You are giving a wonderful prize. Debbie in WV

29. Jocelyn said...

Congrats on your milestone! What an amazing giveaway! I have not completed any quilting since I had surgery on my wrist back in December. Plus I have never had my quilts quilted by anyone else before. Guess I have been too nervous to have someone else do the quilting ;-) Anyway, I hope you continue to write great posts.

30. kt said...

Congrats on your 2000 post! I finished a quilt last Saturday to give to my aunt at our family reunion on Sunday. Now I've got to get busy on the quilts for my kids. Thanks for the chance to win!

31. Kara {me and elna} said...

Happy 2,000th post!!! And, bee tee dubs, this is the best give-away eveeeeeeeeeer!!! :D

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 2000th post. thanks for the chance to win such a great prize.

32. Sue said...

Congrats ! WOW what a milestone ! I have 3 quilts here that need quilting . What a generous give away

33. sue bennett said...

What as great giveaway..I have four quilts to be quilted .

34. Karen O said...

I just found your blog through Happy Cottage Quilts. I look forward to getting to know you. I can't imagine having that many blog posts! Congratulations.

35. Sowing Stitches said...

2000 posts WOW! It is certainly time to celebrate!!! Happy Dance!!
As for when was the last quilting project finished... hmmmm, sometime in the spring as I have busy as of late creating a stack of quilt tops to have on hand to be quilted when cooker temps and fall arrives. Looking forward to your next 2000 posts! :)
sowingstitches [at] gmail [dot] com

36. Unknown said...

Great news! I started a blog but never post to it. Too busy with work and quilting. I've almost finished Easy Street, just lack borders. Almost finished Judy Neimeyer Mariner's Compass. I have 27 tops that need to be quilted - does that count? I finished one quilt several months ago called Basket Case. Easy jelly roll quilt. Thanks again and congratulations!

37. Susan Stanton said...

Congratulations! What an accomplishment! I'm looking forward to reading more of your future blogs.

38. InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Congrats on your 2000th post! The internet is such a great way to people to share their hobbies and meet (virtually and face-to-face) new people.

My last quilt finish was in April (yes, this year) for my adopted niece's first baby.

39. Lisa said...

After lurking for quite a while I have decided to post. I enjoy your blog. It motivates me to get behind the machine and make a new quilt. Congrats! Lisa at

40. Jane said...

That's easy since I just finished one this week! Happy blogiversary (I don't think I spelled that right.) in advance!

41. Sherry VF said...

2,000! That's a full schedule. My last quilt finished quilt was last month. A small charity quilt.

42. Donna said...

What a wonderful achievement ... and a wonderful giveaway. Hope I'm the lucky winner

43. Stephanie said...

Congrats on your 2000 post! I have a long way to go to get to 2000 post on my blog.

44. Unknown said...

Congrats Jill! Your wonderful and witty banter about the pups, quilting, knitting, reading and just life in general is a great escape! I feel like you are an old friend... Happy 2,000th - and please keep it coming! :-) I have not had much chance to quilt lately, so the last thing I finished was over the winter, a hexagonal tree skirt whose set in seams drove me crazy - LOTS of unsewing and resewing on those. I quilted it with a combo of stich in the ditch and echo stitching, and hopefully I will have time to bind it before this Christmas is here! Thanks again for sharing your quilting adventures with us! Nancy (

45. June D said...

Congrats on your wonderful blog. I have several projects that could be finished up with quilting. Thanks for putting my name in the hat!

46. thea said...

2,000! unbelievable. I've been blogging since 2007 and I've only got just over 700 posts. Thanks for sharing yourself with us. The books, the quilts, the dogs...

47. Alli Evans said...

Wow! I have a quilt I've been wanting to finish for years :) all of the fabric was picked out and cut by my great aunt, but she passed away before it was pieced, so when my mom found it I pieced it for her and would love to finally finish it :)

48. AJ said...

Congratulations on your milestone! What a generous giveaway for your hard work. :)