Sunday, July 28, 2013

Happy 6th Blogiversary to me!

Be sure to check out the 2,000th post giveaway! Free quilting!! There's still time to enter!

Six years ago, I started my little blog to meet other quilters online and to share my quilting hobby with friends. I still enjoy meeting the new people online through comments and other blogs and I have really enjoyed getting to know others better in the last six years!

I already got all mushy on the 2,000th blog post so I am going to skip that here. You're welcome! :)

To celebrate my blogiversary, I am giving away a copy of Modern Designs for Classic Quilts. This was written by fellow CMQG guild members Kelly Biscopink and Andrea Johnson and there are 3 quilts that I quilted for these gals in the book! It was really wonderful to be asked to help out with  the quilts, but it is fantastic to see my name listed in the book as well!

Here is a close up of the cover girl, Urban Cabin, that I quilted. I just love how this turned out!

This giveaway is open to anyone - US and international.

To be entered, leave me a comment. I will draw a name in one week on August 4.

And the most important part... If you are a NO REPLY COMMENTER, you must leave your email address in the comment. If you don't and I have no way to get in touch with you, I will delete your comment from the post. I will be responding to each and every comment that is left so if you don't hear from me within a couple of days, you are probably marked as No Reply.  If you are unsure if you are no reply, just put your email in the comment.

Thanks for joining me on my blog journey! Good luck!


1. Ellyn said...

what a lovely book! congrats on six years of blogging. I enjoy reading your blog very much

2. Susan C said...

Thanks for sharing your quilting, knitting and pups with us through the last 6 years. And a special big thanks for welcoming the "Southern Invasion". :-)

3. Regina said...

Happy 6th, Bestie!!!! <3

4. Jennifer said...

Wow, you are almost as old as Jack! Er, I mean your blog is ;). Happy blogaversary and thanks for all the pup pics over the years - you know we love them here!

5. JoyceLM said...

Happy Blogiversary. I love quilt books - thanks for the giveaway.

6. Karen said...

Congrats on six years. Keep those book reviews coming. We seem to like the same authors.

7. Melissa said...

Congrats on 6 years! I should go back and see how old mine is. :). So I gotta know. The quilt where you shared the quilting -- did you do that on your long arm? Is that even possible?!? :)

8. Michele said...

Wow. Not one but two big milestones at the same time. Good for you.

9. Teri said...

Can't wait to see everyone in Shipshe. With the cooler temps, I am getting more excited. Congrats on the blogging success.

10. Betsy said...

Thank you for the chance . I can only imagine the jubi,action you feel having your name in the book as a contributor. Congratulations!

11. Michele T said...

Wonderful!!! You must be beaming with pride to have contributed - the book looks amazing!! Thanks for the chance to win a copy :-)

12. Carol said...

You have come a long way! Congratulations on your quilting and blogging.

13. Unknown said...

Congrats on yet ANOTHER amazing achievement! You are so lucky to have a MQG in your community. I've considered joining with one of their new individual memberships, but it's just not the same as sitting down with other modern quilters from time to time! Thanks for the great giveaway and sharing this accomplishment with us.

14. Sharon said...

Yay! Another chance to win something. I like the looks of the book. I would never consider myself a "modern" quilter but I like a lot of the modern patterns. I use more traditional fabrics but so many patterns are great in any fabric combination.

15. Unknown said...

Congrats Jill on your 6th year anniversary. Wow that book is such a great prize for anyone that is lucky enough to win it. Here's to another 6 years and more.

16. Brenda said...

I have just started to fall in love with these 'modern' quilts that people all talk about - they are fun and just more ways to sew with my fabrics!! this book, I would like to see because of what the title is, but also because I know you have done some of the quilting inside it - so I would be able to see your work in a book I have!!!

I will enjoy reading about who wins this beauty and put this on my list of books for me!
Have a super week and thanks for 'meeting' me!!!

17. Susan Stanton said...

How exciting to be part of a published quilt book. Congratulations on that and your blogiversary. And thanks for having a giveaway!

18. Debby said...

modern quilting is so fun, thanks for the chance and grats on 6 years blogging!

19. Carla G said...

Congratulations on 6 years!! :)
This book looks fabulous! Thanks for a chance to win! :)
bcgeates at netbistro dot com

20. DeborahGun said...

Congratulations on 6 years - what a milestone :-) And thanks for the giveaway.

21. Glenda in Florida said...

Contratulations and thank you for sharing for the past 6 years. I've been reading your blog all along. And, congratulations on having your work published--a great accomplishment!

22. Penny from S.C. said...

Congratulations - I still haven't made the jump to a blog. My computer and I have a hate/hate relationship at the moment... Thanks

23. Hilachas said...

Congratulations on six years of blogging. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.

24. Alli Evans said...

2,000 posts!! You're amazing! :) and I love the quilting in this book!

25. Dora, the Quilter said...

Congratulations on your blogiversary! I love modern interpretations of classic designs and need to do some myself. Thanks for the giveaway.

26. Marj said...

You've come a long way in a short time. It is fun to follow what you are doing, reading, knitting, and quilting. Thanks for sharing.

27. Miss Lori said...

Thankyou for sharing your blog! I am enjoying it!!

28. Unknown said...

What a wonderful giveaway. 6th anniversary congratulations!! How wonderful to be able to be going that long and still strong. I love the blog and read it every chance I get.

29. Hayley said...

I just discovered your blog! Great work. I just love modern quilts with bright colours

30. PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Happy blogiversary! I think mine is coming up as well. I need to check that.

31. Deanna said...

Congrats on all you have accomplished. Thanks for sharing the joy with a giveaway.

32. Kim @ TiesThatBindQuilting said...

I just discovered your blog! Happy Blogiversary! That has to be so fun to see some of your quilts in a published book! I'd love to check them out.

Email =

33. Gill said...

Congratulations! and thanks for a great giveaway!

34. barbara woods said...

congrats and thanks for the giveaway

35. wtpooh11 said...

I think it is so wonderful that you are celebrating such an anniversary. I love your blog. Congratulations and I wish you many more happy years sewing and sharing your lovely quilts with us.

36. Sherry said...

Congratulations on your Blogiversary. I enjoy reading your posts. . . even though I don't comment that much.

37. Suzanne said...

Happy Blogiversary! I have been following you for about 2 years now and enjoy your post very much!

38. Dar said...

Congrats on your 6 yr anniversary of starting your blog. My how times flies. I enjoy reading your blog and learning new things about your quilting experiences. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.