Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tuesday sewing

Post #1999! Tomorrow, I will post the 2,000th post celebration! Are you excited? :)

Last night, I was able to get a bit of sewing in. I finished the dog print quilt top. This is a twin size quilt and the pattern is Picture This from the Happy Hour book.


I then got the backing made. And it is in line for quilting.


I also got a backing made for this quilt for Jennifer.


The dogs spent the evening enjoying the view.



1. Melissa said...

I love the design for the dog print quilt. I've always loved that one! :) Congratulations on hitting 2000 posts -- that's big stuff! :)

2. thea said...

I like the pattern for the first quilt.. also the backing is great!

3. Vic H. said...

What a cute dog quilt! And I can't believe you've done 2000!

4. Beth said...

2000 posts! you are a trooper! I am luck to read some..much less post very often. I'm feeling so distracted these days!

5. Jean(ie) said...

That's a great pattern for showcasing larger prints. It turned out cute!!!

6. Jennifer said...

For me? You shouldn't Love the doggies on lookout!

7. Regina said...

:-) Looks like great progress!