Thursday, August 1, 2013

Book Review Thursday - 8/1

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I'm still not reading as much as I usually do. I gave up on a book of short stories this week and I am almost done with a different book so I am starting to feel better about my reading. :)

I decided to get back to the Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood series by Charlaine Harris and I read book #2, Living Dead in Dallas. Eric has loaned Sookie and her telepathic powers out to the Dallas vampires. Her only rule is that no humans are harmed due to the information that she gathers. She needs to locate a missing vampire and sets out to gather intelligence at a church/cult when she is captured.

I also finished book #3, Club Dead. Sookie's vampire boyfriend Bill leaves Bon Temps on a errand for the Vampire Queen of Louisiana and then she learns that he was lured away by his old girlfriend who helped have him kidnapped. And Sookie has to help save him.

I am really enjoying this series! I remember liking the first book, but I must have had other things checked out from the library that I had to listen to and return. Sookie always seems to get into trouble and the vampires and other strange creatures tend to protect her. And boy does she come into contact with some strange creatures!

These books have a way of sucking me in (ha ha!) and I am having a hard time putting them down. I have never watched the HBO series, but I might try the first season when I get through all of the books.

Have you tried a True Blood book yet?


1. Pam in Cincinnati said...

i've read the entire series and loved them all for the pure indulgence read they were. i'll warn you that the hbo series bears very little resemblance to the books beyond the characters themselves. the first season was probably the closest to staying true to the books but it took a major right turn from there and just kept going at breakneck speed.

2. PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Nah. Vampires aren't for me.