Thursday, August 29, 2013

Book Review Thurssday - 8/29

Gonna try and make this short and sweet tonight. :)

Lethal Outlook is the 10th book in the Psychic Eye series by Victoria Laurie. Abby has started her psychic reading business in Texas since returning from the "fun" with the CIA in the last book. She sustained some major injuries and is working (not very hard) on recovery and physical therapy and trying to stay out of trouble. But trouble always finds her.

One morning, she gets a client who shows up in costume with cryptic messages about a woman who has gone missing. The woman is a lawyer for the guilty party and wants Abby to investigate to make sure the wrong person is not prosecuted for the crime. As if that wasn't enough, Abby is also avoiding her sister who has taken over the planning of Abby and Dutch's wedding.

Abby has become more of hard head in this book and I was glad to take a break from the series for a couple of books. If she is so irritated by Cat planning the wedding, stand up to her and take the duties back! She is pissed that Dutch bought her a gun for her wedding present, but in all the books, guns would certainly come in handy for her. She needs to stop fighting that. Or find herself a different partner and stop running around with Candace sticking her nose in other people's business. And Dutch is building them a house to live in and she can't meet with the builder to pick out finishes? Seriously? Who wouldn't love to do that and be in the dream house instead of putting it off for weeks or months?

Again, I enjoy the series, but it is just nice to have to take a break! There is only one more book in the series and it was just published so I had to wait for it from the library.

Revolutionary Summer: The Birth of American Independence by Joseph J. Ellis was one that I found in the library's new releases information. Since I enjoyed the non-fiction about Taft's assassination so much, I thought I would give another non-fiction a try. This book follows the happenings from May through October 1776 and the beginning of the American Revolution.

I thought that it was a fairly interesting book, if not a little dry at times. I could really only listen to about 20 minutes at a time before finding my mind wandering. I think it was interesting to hear about the battles and the thoughts behind the men in charge on both sides. The Howe brothers came over from Great Britain with the idea of reconciliation so they both acted very cautiously in picking the battles and they let time pass in between each strike instead of attacking repeatedly and taking out the Continental Army soldiers. Washington wasn't always a confident leader and retreated several times to save his men.

I just kept thinking how different things would be today if Great Britain had been a little more lenient with the American colonies and we were still under their control. But Ellis suggests that even if the Howes had been less cautious in their dealings with Washington's army, America still would have been victorious in the war because of the determination to be an independent country. There was a lot on information in this little book and I am glad I listened to it, but I might stick with non-fiction books about specific people for a while.

1 comment:

1. InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Did you see that the Outlander books are going to be a TV series on Starz?