Sunday, February 25, 2018

BOMs away - Big Updates Coming

I haven't been sewing a lot the last couple of weeks for a few reasons. In January, I had a water leak in my kitchen and I am stressing about the fact that almost the entire first floor is ripped up at the moment.

And my brother is moving back to the area from out of state and will be moving in with me for a while. The past couple of weeks, I have been concentrating on decluttering some spaces to make room for him. This week, I will be finishing up the changes in the house because he will be here next weekend.

So now that those updates are out there, here is the sewing that I have gotten done.

The Deb Tucker ruler classes have continued at the shop and I have gotten a couple of blocks done with during the Tucker University classes. These classes are designed to help us get more experiences with using the rulers that we got with last year's BOM.


This block was made using the Square Squared ruler and was one of the examples on our handouts.

Yesterday, we used the Rapid Fire Lemoyne Star ruler. This was the first time I have used this ruler and made this bock without making HSTs. It so easy!


I've also been working on the sock monkey blocks. I have 6 assembled into rows and ready for the rows to be assembled.


I need to keep plugging away at these blocks. I think there are at least 8 more that need to get to this stage.

And finally, this is the February Ohio star block that was made in class this month.


Here are the January and February blocks together. I really like them!


I am linking up with...
Lynette for BOMs Away
Sarah for Whoop Whopp Friday


1. Lynette said...

Oh, gosh! Still dealing with a torn up house :( You got a lot of sewing done up with everything you have going on. I'm super impressed. Love that black background on the first blocks.

2. Jennifer said...

That’s some good block work! Hopethe floor gets put back in soon and the moving doesn’t take too much of your time this week.