Tuesday, April 3, 2018

OMG - April Goal

I set up a One Month Goal for February (actually, I had several goals!), but I missed posting an update. And I totally skipped March because there has been too much going on at home for me to get any sewing done other than getting to the quilt shop for my classes.

Here were my February Goals with results.

1. Work on t shirt quilt for Aunt Donna - I have cut the shirts apart and fused the interfacing to all of the shirts. This month, I will finish this!
2. Quilt 4 personal items - I haven't quilted any personal items in the last 2 months.
3. Declutter 3 areas - Done out of necessity with my brother moving in.
4. Sock Monkey HSTs (because they will need to be packed up if not assembled into a top!) - The blocks were laid out!

Not too bad. Not too great either.

A lot of big items have been ordered for the kitchen repairs. The first big item goes in next week - upstairs carpet. This is also wreaking havoc on my quilting and piecing because all of my projects and fabric and totes have to be moved out of my studio to give the carpet layers as much room as possible to lay the carpet cleanly and evenly.

BUT I am excited that I have a quilt retreat this month and am already batting around ideas of what I will take to work on.

So my April OMG is to make the monkey blocks! If I have to put them away, at least the blocks will be made for storage.

This is what the block will look like. Some are in strips and pressed and just need to be sewn into rows. Some are still HSTs laid into the block pattern.

There are enough blocks for a couple of baby quilts. Or maybe 3 or 4. I can't remember.


1. Danice G said...

Some very cute blocks. The monkey fabrics are adorable. Wishing you a wonderful time on the retreat.

2. Marly said...

Nice blocks for the baby quilts. Good luck with the house renovation.

3. Patty said...

Very nice! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.