Here is my second attempt at an update for yesterday's events. The dogs let me sleep in this morning until almost 10 and now Max is a ball of energy and keeps interrupting me to throw a toy for him. Hopefully, he won't be a hindrance while I give my update.
For a reminder, here is the list of what I wanted to get done:
1. Finish sewing the rows together for the ugly quilt.
2. Finish cutting the pieces for the big shirt.
3. Sew the big shirt pieces together per directions for class on Tuesday.
4. Sew a fabric book for my youngest nephew, Ethan.
I met Maddy at 3 at Hancock's so I had plenty of time to sew before leaving the house. In that time, I finished 1 and 2 and I took the ugly quilt to my quilt shop to hang it on the wall and take a couple of pictures of it.

I think it turned out pretty well, so I may have to call it something else. And I think that I am just going to put one 3-4" border on it and call it done. The quilting in the book looks like it is just straight lines through the blocks becauase of all of the 'excitement' in the fabric so I will be able to quilt it fairly quickly.
We went to Hancock's because I looked in the flier and it showed that batting was on sale and there was a coupon for 10% off the entire order Saturday only. When I got there, Maddy had already gotten her batting and backing for her quilt that she wanted to finish up so I hurried and picked out my batting, a pair of small scissors and some St Jude's fabric.
I told Maddy that we would have to make some lounge pants out of the St Jude's fabric for our quilt retreats. I paid and we went to my quilt shop. I was looking at the receipt from Hancock's and it turns out that the items that I got that were supposed to be one sale, I was only given the 10% discount. Maddy said that she had asked about the batting being on sale and they said that the Warm & naturals never goes on sale so I was going to go back and look at the flier later to find out. Maddy checked her receipt and they didn't charge her for the 2 yards of batting, only .2 yards so I figured everything evened itself out. Regardless, I don't think that I will be going back to Hancock's. I will just wait for batting to go on sale at Joann's.
At the shop, we picked out our fabrics for a quilted purse class that we are taking. It starts in a week. Here are the fabrics that I chose and the pattern.
The dark color is a purpley brown. Very pretty. The flowers are for the body of the purse, the white with pink dots is the trim and the dark with dots (on top) is for the lining.
Then, we went to my house to sew. We started just about at 5 PM. I was setting my stuff up and showing Maddy how to do her borders and mitering the strips together. I was impressed because I showed her once and she did the rest.
This is after she got all of the red border and one side of the black on. The pattern was Take 5 and the fabric is Michael Miller's retro 50's fabric with the housewives cleaning. She did a really good job with the blocks and the borders were going on quite well. Until she got the the third side for the black and she had to add a little more to the end to finish that side and it left her with 1 strip to do the remaining side which wasn't going to be enough. She was heartbroken! We found a remnant of the black with the name on the selvage and I am going to check my shop to make sure they don't have anymore and then we will order it online. We found a shop that will sell in 1/4 yard incremants and that is all she needs to finish.
Here is the almost finished quilt in a closer shot. I also offered to quilt it for her once I practice on some Project Linus quilts and she said that would be great.

For a reminder, here is the list of what I wanted to get done:
1. Finish sewing the rows together for the ugly quilt.
2. Finish cutting the pieces for the big shirt.
3. Sew the big shirt pieces together per directions for class on Tuesday.
4. Sew a fabric book for my youngest nephew, Ethan.
I met Maddy at 3 at Hancock's so I had plenty of time to sew before leaving the house. In that time, I finished 1 and 2 and I took the ugly quilt to my quilt shop to hang it on the wall and take a couple of pictures of it.

I think it turned out pretty well, so I may have to call it something else. And I think that I am just going to put one 3-4" border on it and call it done. The quilting in the book looks like it is just straight lines through the blocks becauase of all of the 'excitement' in the fabric so I will be able to quilt it fairly quickly.
We went to Hancock's because I looked in the flier and it showed that batting was on sale and there was a coupon for 10% off the entire order Saturday only. When I got there, Maddy had already gotten her batting and backing for her quilt that she wanted to finish up so I hurried and picked out my batting, a pair of small scissors and some St Jude's fabric.

At the shop, we picked out our fabrics for a quilted purse class that we are taking. It starts in a week. Here are the fabrics that I chose and the pattern.

Then, we went to my house to sew. We started just about at 5 PM. I was setting my stuff up and showing Maddy how to do her borders and mitering the strips together. I was impressed because I showed her once and she did the rest.

Here is the almost finished quilt in a closer shot. I also offered to quilt it for her once I practice on some Project Linus quilts and she said that would be great.

While she was doing that, I sewed the Big Shirt pieces that I needed to for the class on Tuesday. I have to iron on the interfacing, but I will get to class early and will do it then. I don't have much experience with interfacing and don't want to mess it up.
Big shirt front:

Big shirt back and a detailed shot of back:

The topstitching turned out quite well, if I do say so myself! I used a chocolate brown for all of the topstitching. I even got to use some different feet on my machine for the overlocking stitches. Number 3 is done!
After the shirt, we ate dinner and then I started working on Ethan's book. This one is numbers and the colors are so vibrant - it's AWESOME! I got all of the sets of pages machine stitched and turned right side out. I still have to topstitch them or hand stitch them closed and then sew the pages together to make the book. I am going to do that as soon as I reassemble my quilting area.

And Maddy was able to work on her Garden View (my ugly quilt). She had to re-iron some of her pieces, but she was able to make a start and get a few rows together. She said that she may even work on it more today and get it all together today.

In closing, we had a great time and only sewed for 5 hours. Of course, we also ate take out in that time, so we probably only sewed 4.5 hours. And we were very productive! So much so that we had a couple of tired dogs at the end of the night.

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Sunday, August 5, 2007 - Untitled Comment
Posted by CountryQuilter
Sounds like you had a good night of sewing. Yes, you really need to change the name of your ugly quilt. I think it turned out quite nicely. I love your fabric you piced out for your purse, can't wait to see a photo of that once you finish it. I also love Maddy's quilt, very nice. It looks like you have a good start on your big shirt, that looks great. kristie
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Sunday, August 5, 2007 - Untitled Comment
Posted by Cre8tiveQuilter
I think your quilt turned out rather pretty. But I think it should stay "The Ugly Quilt" as a name because it's just hilarious!! If anyone asks you get to explain the story and agree that it turned out much better than you expected it to. You guys got a lot done and I love your friend's quilt with the house wife fabric. That's a hoot!!!!
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