Wednesday, January 9, 2008

FIUM and another random thing

Tonight, I finally got off work at a decent hour and was able to come home and work on the FIUM (Finish it Up Month) projects. I got 2 more purses cut out and some flannel washed to make a couple of things for Ethan's birthday this month.

I have to get to bed pretty soon because tomorrow is the horrid IT Council meeting at 7:30 AM. That is going to come way too early for me!

Max is doing a lot better today! He has been prancing around and, this morning, he got himself up onto the back of the couch. He hasn't done that since last Monday when he starting showing some signs of being in pain. I think that he still enjoys being carried up and down the stairs because we have gone downstairs to work on laundry a couple of times and then we came down from the bedroom a couple of times to go outside and he always waits for me to carry him. Tomorrow, I will need to start cutting down on the pills.

Have a great day, everyone!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Max is feeling better. I was starting to wonder how he was doing. Hope you have a good meeting today.
Deb (vtquilter)

1. Moneik said...

Glad to hear Max is feeling better and you are getting some sewing done.

2. Amelia said...

looks like Mr. Max is headed in the right direction!

3. Maureen said...

Yeah! I am glad that Max is feeling better. I hope that he continues to get better.

4. Cindy said...

I'm so happy to hear that Max is starting to feel better. See, all he needed were the right pills, and lots of TLC from his Mom.

Anonymous said...

Wow you guys are really getting alof done I wish that I could say the same. I have no excuse.. I have been pretty lazy but mom says that I deserve it I needed a break from work. Glad to hear max is doing better.
