Sunday, January 6, 2008

I finished a purse!

Yesterday, I met Judy, Jeanette and Maria at Sew-Ezy and we ran around to 3 quilt shops, got lunch and then headed back to Maria's house to sew for the rest of the day. We had a great time! I worked on a couple of different things and then worked on a purse. I got some pictures, but I haven't downloaded them yet.

This morning, I went and saw Spencer wrestle. He did really well and fought hard, but he didn't win. He didn't get pinned down though so that was good.

After that, I went back to Maria's and Jeanette was already there and we sewed for a few more hours. That was when I finished the purse. They were very encouraging for me to get it done!

Now, since I have been home, I really should have been back at it and working on another purse, but I guess I am tuckered out. I am working on laundry and ready for a nap even though it is 7 PM.

And I am now thinking that I need to take Max in for X-rays. He is still in a considerable amount of pain and it doesn't seem to be lessening as the days go by. I would've thought that with the prednisolone and the muscle relaxers that he would be feeling a bit better by now. But he's not. Well, he is able to make it through the night now without a lot of the whimpering and groaning, but he still makes a lot of noise every now and then. And I don't think that he is doing it just to get sympathy from me.

I guess I will be calling the vet tomorrow.


1. Cindy said...

Oh poor Max. He has Murphys and my sympathies. It's no fun when the fur kids are hurting and they can't tell you what's wrong.
Way to go on finishing the purse. I've been a slug and no sewing at all this weekend.

2. Jen said...

Poor Max!!! I hope you can get him in and find out what's wrong. that's awful. I can't wait to see the picture of your purse. I didn't get a darn thing done this weekend. Of course I could get off my ass and put my YBR quilt on my frame. I'd probably get a good bit of that done tonight.

3. Michelle said...

Good for you! I didn't get any sewing done either, but I got some cleaning and organizing done, which makes me feel JUST as good, and I have been sorting,separating, filing and shredding papers from 2006 and 2007getting ready for our tax appointment on Saturday.

I guess I must have stirred up something somewhere, because early this afternoon, I was being 'bombed' by a huge moth. I asked Louie to help me get him, but then he was hiding. Several hours later, the 'great white hunter' came upstairs and brought me his victim. Yay! My hero!

I hope you figure out what is going on with Max. Maybe he has joint paint like I do, and the weather is affecting him?

Enjoy your evening and have a good week! Michelle

4. Kristie said...

Sorry to hear that Max is still feeling so bad. I hope they can find out what is wrong. I know you must be worried sick.

I can't wait to see your new purse.

5. Hazel said...

Its so hard to watch a sick animal hopefully the vet will have some answers for you tomorrow .Can't wait to see your photo's.

6. Amelia said...

Too bad about the little furry child...hope he gets to feeling better.

7. Moneik said...

Can't wait to see pictures of the new purse!