Saturday morning, I met Judy and Jeanette at IHOP for breakfast before our class at Best Friends. We had a great breakfast! And there was plenty of time for us to chat before we headed to the class. We got to the shop a little early and they had the doors open already so we went in and looked around a little.
The class is part of the Stash Pot Pie series that the shop bought to present to us. I think that it is a couple of years old, but it was new to most or all of us. Jan and Jessica discussed a little about how to organize your stash and using scraps, leaders and enders, andour first two patterns. Oh, yeah - they also discussed prizes! We will get tickets for showing up to each class and a ticket for each yard of fabric that we use in the quilts that we make for the pattern for each month. We got a scrappy quilt for our first month and I think that if we finish the top, we will use 2-3 yards of fabric so that is 3-4 tickets, including the one for showing up, if we make one quilt.
So, at the first class, we all got one ticket for showing up and they drew for a prize which is the book below - Creating Your Perfect Quilting Space. Guess who won? Yup, ME! Jan, the store owner, said that she was going to have me buy her a lottery ticket because I had won the $100 store gift certificate, too.

After class, I ran to the store and got some ingredients and apples to make an Apple Brickle Dip to take to Ethan's birthday party. I made the dip and put it in the fridge to chill and I finished making Ethan's presents - 2 pillowcases and a drawstring bag for his cars. I had already finished a fabric book for him. I finished the sewing and took the dogs out and was packing up to leave. I got to the party and realized that I had bagged up the dip and the apples and left them on the floor by the front door. :( And since I had taken it out of the fridge and it sat out for most of the day, I had to pitch the entire batch of dip! And now, I have 4 huge apples that were supposed to be used for the dip.
Sunday, I got up and sent some emails about the April Quilt Retreat that I am helping plan. Right now, we have 17 registerants and we can have a total of 60. We are just hoping to get up to 30 which would be double what we had last year. I will have to do another post on just the Retreat. I should probably add my mailers for donations to my January To Do list!
After sending emails, I ran to Joann's and Home Depot and then it was to the bedroom to get some sewing done. I have gotten the purse pieces sandwiched and started quilting the pockets and sides for one. Instead of marking every line like I did with the other 2 purses, I used the quilt guide on my machine and it is going a lot faster! Thelines may not be as even as they are when every line is marked, but you can't tell that much. Once I get the quilting done, I think that I am going to put the purses aside and work on the Star and Nine patch blocks that I need to get done. I am going to have a lot of cutting and piecing to do to get the top mostly done before the class on the 25th.
OK, now I have to get to work. Happy Monday!
You did have a busy weekend...but also got some things accomplished.
Personally, I think the drawing at Best Friends was rigged! LOL!!! Wanna buy some lottery tickets for me?
Sounds like you are on a winning streak! Congrats on winning that book. I really like it. Glad you got to see your parents and have a fun sewing weekend too.
You are just too lucky!!! But I think it is great! Hope you enjoyed your time with your family and you really got alot of sewing done.
Again I say you are lucky! Okay now I am do you make Apple Brickle Dip.
wow you really are lucky.. maybe we all need to plan a bloggers quilt retreat in vegas.. that I could drive to myself and after I get settled in Lemoore I might actually be able to afford it
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