I am starting to get my list together of companies to beg for donations from for our charity quilt retreat in April. I am a little late in getting my letters mailed out, but I want to have my list together and start stuffing envelopes this weekend.
Some of you may know about the Retreat, but for those of you who don't, here is a blurb that I think is being added to my local Quilt Guild.
Second Annual St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Quilt Retreat
Epsilon Sigma Alpha cordially invites you to our Second Annual Quilt Retreat to be held April 18 through April 20, 2008, at the Golden Eagle Retreat Center in Palestine, Ohio sponsored by Hancock's and Sulphur Grove Quilt Shop. The center is Northwest of Dayton and is almost on the Indiana border. The retreat is $140 which includes 2 nights lodging, 6 meals and a $25 donation to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. There will be door prizes, raffle items, a grand prize drawing and a few classes offered. Space is limited. $50 deposit due 2/29/2008 with registrations due by April 1, 2008. Scrapbookers and other crafters welcome. Come and spend a relaxing weekend quilting, make new friends and win some prizes!
Epsilon Sigma Alpha cordially invites you to our Second Annual Quilt Retreat to be held April 18 through April 20, 2008, at the Golden Eagle Retreat Center in Palestine, Ohio sponsored by Hancock's and Sulphur Grove Quilt Shop. The center is Northwest of Dayton and is almost on the Indiana border. The retreat is $140 which includes 2 nights lodging, 6 meals and a $25 donation to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. There will be door prizes, raffle items, a grand prize drawing and a few classes offered. Space is limited. $50 deposit due 2/29/2008 with registrations due by April 1, 2008. Scrapbookers and other crafters welcome. Come and spend a relaxing weekend quilting, make new friends and win some prizes!
And there was an old post that I have about it. See here. And here is some information on the sorority.
At the first retreat, we had between 3 and 4 tables of raffle prizes and quite a few door prizes for everyone. We also had grand prizes, too. Here is the picture of our set up.

Now, here is where you all come in. I need to get a list of all of the companies that make or distribute quilting supplies, fabric, notions, thread, needles, needle work, cross stitch, stamping, etc. Really any kind of craft item. Any patterns that you like. Any designer or teacher that you like. I want them all!!!
What I am going to do is get a letter together begging for donations and I am sending one to anyone and everyone who will listen! I am hoping that we can get as much donated as we did last year, if not more!
So far, there are 17 registrants for the Retreat. If anyone lives close to the Dayton, OH or Richmond, IN or northern KY area. Or central Ohio. Or if you don't live close, but don't mind the drive, this is a great weekend and we are going to have a great time! We have space for 60 people. I hope that we can get 30 people this year!
OK, so if you are interested in the weekend, drop me an email. If you have any ideas of who I should contact or what would be good to ask for, leave a comment or drop me an email. Send a link to a friend who might have some good ideas so that they can leave me a comment or drop an email.
Thanks in advance for all of your help!
Your retreat sound fun its a lirrle far for me to attend but I'm sure you will have a good time .
I had that job once of getting donations I was lousy at it .I just don't have enough nerve to ask so I bought a lot and got my famly to donate ,cowards way out I know but it was a lot easier for me .
Jill, Vermont is a little far away but the retreat sounds like fun. I would try the standard craft stores - Joanns, Michaels, local quilt shops or craft/scrapbooking stores... Maybe even food stores like specialty baked goods or restaurants for a donation of gift certificates (we all gotta eat right!) Another idea is quilting websites - maybe e-mail asking for donations...not sure if that will work but it can't hurt to ask. Fons and Porter, Ann Anderson and I like Judy Martin's website and she has a list of links on her site that might help for more ideas...http://www.judymartin.com/
Hope that helps.... and good luck getting donations!
Deb (vtquilter)
Good luck with finding your donations--sounds like you got some good ideas all ready--I would try grocery stores, too and theres' always WalMart who say they are civic minded!! I wish Ohio was closer to Texas, but that's quite a commute!!! Your retreat sounds wonderful!
I'm sure you'll have tons of fun at your retreat. Hope you get lots of fun door prizes to win!
Jill, We did something similar in the past and had a great deal of difficulty with the bigger companies...they are donated out. I would suggest all of your smaller local quilt shops and companies. Check out my "With Heart and Hands" blog for ideas on the bigger ones if you want to try. See my links bar on my blog...to the right side of it...and click on Free Quilt Patterns...I list links to over 2,000 free patterns AND most of these are fabric houses, quilt designers etc. Local quilt designers who work for the big companies always have bolts and bolts of fabric samples at home. We made 200 quilts in 2 days with 200 women in Salem, OR for Hurricane Katrina and it was all of our local shops who came through big time. Also, make a post about all of this asking blog readers for donations. When I get back to Oregon from Alaska and this old, old computer...I will post about you and ask for donations for you, as well. Best of luck. Fabulous idea!!!! You go, girl!!!
I'm sad that I did not see this before--it's the 21st of April. If you do it next year please send me an email! I am involved with a quilting group in Indianapolis and might be able to round up some interest here. We are always on the lookout for a getaway and for a good cause?? You betcha! I am a longarmer and could maybe donate my services. I hope it went well! kathy@kddids.com
I know you wrote this a while back - are you still looking for fabric sample donations?
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