Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Yeah for me!!

I came home from work today and GOT ON THE ELLIPTICAL!! I did 13 minutes, but that was a lot better than the 4 minutes...oh, who am I kidding, the 2 minutes that I figured I would be able to do after not working out since October, or as I have come to affectionately call it, Pre-Accident.

Anyway, I also spent the evening straightening up the family room because I am having some quilters over on Sunday and Monday since a lot of us are off of work on Monday for the holiday. So, I am trying to get some things in order so I can enjoy the time that the ladies will be over. And I will probably need to work a little overtime for the rest of the week because of a big project that needs to be done. I just don't want to spend all of Friday night and Saturday cleaning.

I have gotten some feedback on the previous post about the quilt retreat and I think that I need to clarify a little on the needing help with the Quilt Retreat. I have a pretty good list of craft magazines and publishing companies and notions companies.

Other than Gutermann's and Coats and Clark, I have no idea about thread lines or thread companies.

I am a little clueless about needles. Are there a certain brand of needles that you swear by?

And other than Moda and Thimbleberries, I get a bit hazy about fabric manufacturers. Have any favorites?

I have quite a few patterns, but I don't think that I have a favorite that I would buy over and over and over. Is there a certain pattern designer that you absolutely love? That you can 't live without?

The last thing is about speakers or designers or programs that you might have seen through your Guild or a local Convention. I am going to contact Pat Speth and Vikki Patglinni (or something like that) and Ami Simms and Eleanor Burns, but other than these names, I have no idea who popular designers or names in quilting are.

In case you haven't noticed, I have only been quilting for a year and I know that there is a TON more that I need to learn. And the names and notions and tools are what come with the experience that I am still working on obtaining.

Thanks in advance!


Anonymous said...

Threads: I use guttermans, I also know of Sulky and Jen tends to mention a bunch of different types of threads on her blog...
Needles: I use Universal needles.
Fabric Companys: Cranston Print Works,Benartex, Hoffman, Marcus Brothers, Moda,
P&B Textiles, RJR Fabrics, Northcott Fabrics...
Hope that helps a little...

1. CatQuilter said...

Why don't you ask the folks who have signed up already what LQS they frequent and contact each of those shops?

How about the quilting mags like Fons and Porter?

2. Moneik said...

I would suggest some of the pattern designers. Atkinson Designs, Gutzy Geisha Designs, Pearl Louise Kurch, Kay Kapps Cross, Lazy Girls

3. Connie said...

For machine needles, I like Schmetz. For threads, Superior is a great company--big on educating their consumers. For manufacturers I like Andover and Windham. For favorite designer, hands down it is Carrie Nelson of Miss Rosie's Quilt Co.! She is fantastic! And my suggestion for a program/speaker is a little out of the box (meaning she is a quilter and author but not a quilting teacher): Jennifer Chiaverini, the author of the Elm Creek Quilts novels! I have the pleasure of hearing her speak recently and she was so charming and funny and just great to listen to! I believe she is from WI--so not too far in terms of travel. HTH! I'm sure y'all will have a great retreat!

4. Beth said...

I think my favorites have been taken! Hoffmann and Moda...ANY batik made under the sun! Schmetz machine needles John James hand needles (straw are my FAVS for applique and binding...thin and long, but with a tiny eye ..bad for MY eyes!)I love Aurofil thread for piecing and King Tut for machine quilting. Aurofil is thin, King Tut not too linty with a nice stitch. I'm an Atkinson Design FANATIC! Their patterns are easy to read, but with a tweeking of colors look SO hard! NOT! How about Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville.com? Her quilts are popular, and she just had a article in Quilters Newsletter about leaders and enders. Good luck and I'm sorry I'm so far away..I would come! I found you from a link on Jen's blog!

5. Jen said...

Ohhh You know...I second the Jennifer Chivarini thing!! What about the www.quiltingmadeeasy.com website? Atkinson Designs...I'll second that. The rest I emailed you already.