Tuesday, January 19, 2010

UFO Finish

Last night, I finished another baby quilt. This one will go to Project Linus. I'm sure that it was started before I actually began quilting because it is tied instead of machine quilted and the binding that was attached was an extra wide double fold bias tape. I found this quilt when I was cleaning out the stash room and I moved it to my workstation to try and get it finished so that I could donate it. Finally. :)

Sunday, I ripped off the bias tape binding and Monday I worked on real binding for the quilt. Once I got back from the knitting class, I attached the binding and machine stitched it down. And TA DA!!! It's finished!


I'm glad to be able to use my talents to help those in need. When I was in the sorority, I did a lot of volunteer work, but since I dropped out, I haven't done as much. This year, I plan on changing that by meeting my goal of 12 quilts and by helping with different events in Cincinnati. It's a great feeling to be able to help others!


1. Laura said...

Good for you for using your talents to give back! The quilt looks great.

2. Libby said...

You are a sweetie! Some little one is going to love that quilt!

3. Cheryl Willis said...

I have used that same fabric in several child size projects, I love the colors. Good for you getting it done! cw

4. Regina said...

Helping others is really a win-win that makes everyone feel good! Love the quilt - so cheery!

5. Mrs Quilty said...

It's a darling quilt! I am going to make a fire engine quilt for my grandson! Adorable! Good job for Linus project and very nice of you!

6. quiltin cntrygrl said...

Thats great! I have 3 project linus quilts sitting on my shelf that I need to get to. just fabric I can do what ever.. maybe some 9 patches or something.

7. Michelle said...

Some lucky child will love it. Bless you!

8. Kristie said...

That is such a great thing that you are doing!