Friday, May 31, 2013

On the Needles - 5/31

After being stalled for a few weeks on my second sock, I got to knit quite a bit last weekend.

Monday it was nice enough outside that Regina and I sat outside doing hand work - I knit socks and she sewed binding.

I almost got the leg done!


The yarn is Madelinetosh Tosh Sock in Hickory. The second sock is just a tad darker. sigh And the color in the first picture is the truer color.

The pattern is Zora by Regina Satta on Ravelry.


1. InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Looks great. You're making progress!!!

2. Maggie said...

Lovely! That is the nice thing about socks- they don't spend a lot of time laying side by side for comparison.

3. Sue H said...

Beautiful! Love the pattern AND the yarn.

4. Jennifer said...

Great progress!

5. Regina said...

Was so nice sitting out there -even though we had to keep chasing the shade. And here I was going to have you start me on socks... next year perhaps.