Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Quilt #12 - Quilt of Valor

I LOVE the Square Spiral panto!! It quilted up so nicely on this Quilt of Valor quilt! Some service person or veteran is going to LOVE this quilt!

Square Spiral Panto, So Fine in a light tan and silver Bottom Line for the bobbin.






And I have decided to start Judy L's newest Quilt Along quilt, but I need fabric for it. I am planning a trip to Fabric Shack! I am also making a list of quilts that I need in the next year for weddings, college quilts, etc so that I can possibly shop for those, too. I am getting excited about starting another new quilt.


1. Teri said...

Starting something new is exciting! I have been dreaming new projects myself. I need to finish a few more to get the reward.

2. Regina said...

:-) My biggest problem is starting before finishing!!

3. Beth said...

oh NOOOOOOO! I am being tempted to make that quilt with Judy L too! I cannot, I canNOT, I CANNOT! lol well..maybe I will print it out! HA!

4. Shelly said...

I love the Fabric Shack-it has been one my favorite finds since moving to Ohio.
Could you show the square spiral panto-you have mentioned loving it a couple of times and I am always looking for new designs to try.
Thank you,

5. Amy said...

Amazing quilting finish! Love the spiral panto too :)

You MAY just have twisted my arm the final lil' bit to join in with Judy's QAL too. You still game?